Fig. 4. MZcdx1b−/− mutants showed aberrant parapineal migration and habenular laterality. RNA in situ hybridization was conducted on wild-type (WT) and MZcdx1b−/− mutant embryos using gfi1ab (blue) and flh (red) (A) or kctd12.1 (B) RNA probes at 72 hpf. Quantitative data show the percentages of embryos displaying different positions of parapineal or kctd12.1 expression intensities in the left or right habenula between wild types and MZcdx1b−/− mutants. Scale bar represents 100 μm. C The correlation between absent ndr2 expression in the dorsal diencephalon and right-biased habenular subnuclei pattern was analyzed for cyc−/−/LZoep−/−, MZcdx1b−/− and wild-type embryos by linear regression. Y = 0.4546X + 0.7175, R2 = 0.8197. Chi-squared test of independence was conducted to compare the proportions of embryos with right-side parapineal position or intense kctd12.1 expression intensity in the right habenula between wild types and MZcdx1b−/− mutants. ∗∗∗, p < 0.001. hb, habenula; l, left; p, pineal; pp, parapineal; r, right.