Altered signalling and mitochondrial dysfunction in polg mutants.A The CREB signalling-targeted gene fosab is upregulated in 4 dpf polgsa9574/sa9574 mutants, compared to controls. B The Hif-Hypoxia signalling-targeted gene hbbe3 is upregulated in 4 dpf polgsa9574/sa95 mutants, compared to controls. C–E Hif-Hypoxia signalling increases also in 6-dpf polgia302/ia302 mutants, as shown by the Hif-Hypoxia-responsive transgene HRE:mCherry. E Chart reporting the HRE fluorescence relative intensity (R.I.). F Diagram depicting the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) profile throughout Seahorse assay in 4 dpf wt and polgsa9574/sa9574 embryos under basal conditions, FCCP (p-triFluoromethoxyCarbonylCyanide Phenylhydrazone)-induced maximal respiratory capacity stimulation and ROT/AA (Rotenone/Antimycin A)-mediated inhibition. Three independent experiments were performed (N = 20). G Quantification of basal respiration in wt and polgsa9574/sa9574 mutants (N = 20, in triplicate).