Fluorescent thrombocyte binding and aggregation after PCV laser injury in fga−/− larvae with transgenic AαE or AαE R28C expression: a model of dysfibrinogenemia. (A) A scheme representing the experimental setup. Early Tg(itga2b:EGFP), fga−/− embryos were microinjected with Tol2 transgenesis plasmids for expression of fibrinogen AαE or AαE R28C, AαE + AαE R28C or a half quantity of AαE (AαE ½). Tol2 transposase mRNA was also present in injection mixes (not shown). (B) Fluorescent thrombocyte binding and adhesion at 5 dpf were monitored for each experimental group over time after PCV laser injury. Each line represents the mean fluorescence (+/−SEM). The number of larvae per group is shown in brackets.