Thrombocyte adhesion and aggregation in afibrinogenemic zebrafish. (A) Laser-induced vessel injury to measure thrombocyte binding and accumulation in 5 dpf Tg(itga2b:EGFP) embryos with fluorescent thrombocytes. The thrombocyte-associated green fluorescence accumulation after laser injury within a defined region was measured over time for individual larvae. Each line represents the mean fluorescence (+/− SEM) for each group. The number of larvae per group is indicated in brackets. (B) Images from fga+/+ and fga−/− larvae upon (0 s) and after laser injury, times as indicated. The dorsal aorta (DA), posterior cardinal vein (PCV) and site of laser injury (LI, arrow) are indicated. Green near the laser injury site (arrow head) indicates the laser flash (0 s) and the accumulation of green fluorescent thrombocytes at later time points.