(A, B) Dose-dependent (0.25?2.0 mM) arrest of epiboly movements of mondoa morphants when the uninjected control was around bud stage (~10 hpf). (A) Images of representative embryos. (B) Quanti?cation of phenotypes scored when uninjected embryos had accomplished epiboly: ?unaffected?, embryos reached bud/3 somite stage in parallel with controls; ?affected?, developmental arrest at an earlier epiboly stage; ?dead?, coagulated embryos. Percentages of ?affected? embryos were: uninjected (n = 0/26; 0%), 0.25 mM (n = 2/23; 8.7%), 0.5 mM (n = 15/24; 62.5%), 1 mM (n = 17/18; 94.4%), 2 mM (n = 39/41; 95.1%). (C) Developmental time course upon mondoa knockdown compared to uninjected embryos at the sphere stage (~4 hpf), the 60% epiboly (~7 hpf) and the 3-somite stage (~11 hpf). When uninjected control embryos were at the 3-somite stage, the epiboly delay/arrest phenotype was observed with mondoa-mo and with a MO targeting mlx (mlx-mo). No effect on epiboly was observed in embryos injected with mondoa-mis MO. (D) Quanti?cation of the phenotypes in (C), scored when uninjected embryos were at the bud stage. Percentages of ?affected? embryos : uninjected, 0% (n = 0/403); mondoa-mis, 2.8% (n = 3/109); mondoa-mo, 95.3% (n = 462/485); mlx-mo, 90.5% (n = 124/137). (E) Partial rescue of mondoa knockdown with mondoa mRNA. Percentage of epiboly progression was determined via no tail (ntl) WISH. Uninjected control embryos (n = 30) were ?xed at the 75% epiboly stage along with the morphants. Embryos co-injected with mondoa-mo and mondoa mRNA (250 ng/µl) were partially rescued (n = 20) compared with mondoa-mo alone injected embryos (n = 25). Scale bar: 0.2 mm. Asterisks label the blastoderm margin, arrowhead indicates germ ring/shield-like thickening. Error bars = SEM; *, p?0.05; **, p?0.01; ***, p?0.001. hpf, hours post fertilization.