(A-B’) Exemplar 24 hr traces comparing the effects of Aβlong oligomers on average waking activity (A,B) and sleep (A’-B’) versus Aβrev on wild type (A,A’), and prp1-/-;prp2-/- mutant (B,B’) backgrounds. (C-D) The effect of Aβlong relative to Aβrev on normalized waking (C) and sleep (D) on wild type and prp1-/-;prp2-/- mutant backgrounds (mixed prp3 background) during the first day is shown. The activity reducing (C) and sleep promoting (D) effects of Aβlong are blocked in prp1-/-;prp2-/- mutants. **p≤0.01, ****p≤10–5 one-way ANOVA. Data is pooled from n = 3 independent experiments. See also Figure 4—figure supplements 1 and 2.