Dual-initiation (DI) promoters are conserved in human and Drosophila.a A UCSC browser screenshot of human GAS5 promoter CAGE data (summed CTSSs) in FANTOM5 cell types. CTSSs show transcription of YR-initiation and YC-initiation within same core promoter region. b Expression levels of YR-initiations and YC-initiations by summing their CTSSs. Promoter are classified as YR-dominant or YC-dominant across individual cell types and their expression is shown in stacked bars. Y-axis shows the expression levels measured in tags per million (TPM). c Venn diagram with intersection of gene promoters with YR and YC-initiation in human HepG2 and Drosophila S2 cells. DI promoters are indicated in the overlap between detected YR-initiation and YC-initiation. d Enrichment of gene ontology terms of DI promoters in human HepG2 cell line. e Comparison of C+T sequence content around transcription start sites in DI promoters with YR-only or YC-only initiation promoter in human and drosophila. f Expression levels of DI promoter genes in human and Drosophila. g Frequency of CTSSs and promoter width of DI promoters in human and Drosophila. h UCSC browser screenshots showing CTSSs in the promoter region of RPL38 gene in human, Drosophila and zebrafish. YR-initiation and YC-initiation peaks are colored as blue and red. Boxplots show the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th percentiles where center line is the median.