Effect of mannitol/glucose treatment with/withoutsodium nitroprusside(SNP) on larval zebrafish behaviour. (A) Representative trajectories of 9 dpf zebrafish moving in half-darkened wells (of a 12-well plate) as tracked by Viewpoint software for mannitol or glucose with or without SNP treatment. Red trajectories represent high speed (>6.4 mm/s), green low speed (3.3-6.3 mm/s), and black inactive (<3.3 mm/s). (B) Percentage of time spent in light region of the well by larvae (n=50, 45, 44 and 56 larvae for mannitol, mannitol+SNP, glucose and glucose+SNP, respectively). (C) Quantification of percentage time spent in low and high speed locomotion in the light region by the same animals as in B. (D) Quantification of percentage time spent in low and high speed locomotion in the dark region by the same animals as B and C. (E) Quantification of number of transitions into the light/dark regions for same larvae as in B-D. Data are mean±s.e.m. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 and ****P<0.0001.