The expression of the early hematopoietic markers scl and lmo2 was downregulated in cul4a mutants.a, b WISH was performed with scl (a) or lmo2 (b) probes in embryos at 6 somite and 24 hpf, respectively. Embryos at 6-somite stage were in poster order view with anterior to the top. The ICM regions of embryos were lateral views with anterior to the left. c, d qRT-PCR analyzed the expression of scl and lmo2 in embryos injected with CoMO or cul4a-MO, or MO coinjected with zebrafish cul4a mRNA at 6 somite and 24 hpf. e, f The images of WISH with scl or lmo2 mRNA probes in control (cas9-tail injected), cul4a−/−, cul4b−/−, and double knockout mutants at 24 hpf. g, h Relative expression of scl and lmo2 mRNA were analyzed by qRT-PCR in control and cul4a−/−, cul4b−/−, and double knockout mutants. The number in the top right-hand corner indicates the phenotypic embryos/total embryos. qRT-PCR experiments were performed in triplicate. ***p < 0.001. All scale bars represent 250 μm