Effect of ackr3b knockdown on arterial/venous differentiation and lateral dorsal aorta (LDA) bifurcation. (A–F) WISH analysis of the arterial marker ephrin-B2a(A,B) and venous markers ephb4a(C,D) and flt4(E,F) expression was performed at 28 hpf on zebrafish embryos injected with std-MO (A,C,E) or ackr3b-MO1 (B,D,F). Arterial and venous marker expression is normal in ackr3b morphants when compared to controls. (G,H) WISH analysis of cadherin 5 expression was performed at 30 hpf on zebrafish embryos injected with std-MO (G) or ackr3b-MO1 (H) to investigate LDA formation. Note the interruption of LDA in ackr3b morphants [asterisk in H]. The number of embryos presenting the showed phenotype in respect to the total number of analyzed embryos is shown in each panel. Scale bar: 100 μm.