Fig. 1

Li et al., 2017 - Estrogen directly stimulates LHb expression at the pituitary level during puberty in female zebrafish
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Fig. 1

Gonad histology and real-time PCR analysis of related expression profiles of pituitary reproductive genes in peripubertal female zebrafish. Fish were grouped into PG (n = 7), PV (n = 6) or EV(n = 7) by their ovarian stages (A?C). A, only primary growth (PG) follicles could be found in the fish with body weight of 85.7 mg. B, previtellogenic (PV) stage follicles started to emerge in the fish with body weight of 111.5 mg. C, both early vitellogenic (EV) and PV stage follicles could be found in the fish of body weight of 134.8 mg. The expression profiles of lhb (D), fshb (E), cyp19a1b (F), esr1 (G), esr2a (H) and esr2b (I) in the pituitary were analyzed by real-time PCR. Relative expression was calculated using the comparative threshold (2???Ct) method. Data were present as mean ± SEM. Different letters above each bar denote significantly different. PG, primary growth; PV, previtellogenic follicle; EV, early vitellogenic follicle.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage: Days 45-89

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 461, Li, G., Tang, H., Chen, Y., Yin, Y., Ogawa, S., Liu, M., Guo, Y., Qi, X., Liu, Y., Parhar, I.S., Liu, X., Lin, H., Estrogen directly stimulates LHb expression at the pituitary level during puberty in female zebrafish, 1-11, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell. Endocrinol.