Fig. s1

Seritrakul et al., 2017 - Tet-mediated DNA hydroxymethylation regulates retinal neurogenesis by modulating cell-extrinsic signaling pathways
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Fig. s1

Tet-family gene expression and phylogenetic analyses.

(A) An unrooted phylogenetic tree constructed from mouse, human and zebrafish Tet1, 2 and 3 proteins. (B-D) tet1, tet2 and tet3 are ubiquitously expressed at 24hpf. At 48 (E-G) and 72hpf (H-J) tet2 and tet3 are expressed in the inner nuclear layer (INL; arrowhead) and ganglion cell layer (GCL; arrows), and faintly in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). n>8 per gene per time point. Scale bar = 20?m.


Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Prim-5 to Protruding-mouth

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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