Fig. S7

David et al., 2016 - G-quadruplexes as novel cis-elements controlling transcription during embryonic development
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Fig. S7

Analysis of cartilage pattern and myoD/krox20 expression pattern in col2a1- ASO injected embryos. A. Alcian blue staining of craniofacial cartilage in 4-dpf staged larvae injected with CTRL (i) or col2a1-ASO (ii). Ventral views, anterior to the left. B. WISH assessing the expression of myoD mRNA as a marker of somites and krox20 (erg2) mRNA as a marker of rhombomeres 3 and 5 in 10-somite staged embryos injected with CTRL (i) or col2a1-ASO (ii). In lateral views anterior is to the left, and in dorsal views anterior is up. Numbers and percentages of embryos/larvae with phenotype are indicated in each panel. Scale bars (200 µm) are represented in Ai and Bi. cb 3-7: ceratobranchial cartilages 3 to 7; ch: ceratohyal cartilage; hs: hyosymplectic cartilage; m: Meckel’s cartilage; pf: pectoral fin; pq: palatoquadrate cartilage; r3/5: rhombomeres 3 and 5; s: somites.

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