The expression of Nr2f1b is upregulated by notch signaling. a, b nr2f1b expression is increased at 24 hpf embryos after treatment with DAPT as compared to DMSO control embryos by in situ hybridization. d, e nr2f1b expression is upregulated in rbpsuh morphants at 24 hpf embryos. c, f Quantification by qPCR showed the increased expression of nr2f1b in rbpsuh morphants or DAPT treated embryos at 24 hpf significantly. g-j Representative confocal images showing the number of nuclei per ISV at 30 hpf in g wild-type (wt) embryos, h nr2f1b MO, i rbpsuh MO, and j rbpsuh MO with nr2f1b MO. k Quantitation of the average number of cells per ISV in single and double morphants. ***refers to p < 0.0005 by an unpaired student′s t-test. Scale bars represent 100 µm in a, b, d, e and 50 µm in g-j.