Wnt9b morphants display disrupted Wnt5b and sox9a expression domains in the developing upper jaw. MM control (n = 11) (left column) and morphant (n = 13) (right column) embryos were aged to 48hpf and stained with Wnt5b riboprobe (a)-(f) or sox9a riboprobe (g), (h). 85% of morphant embryos exhibited disrupted Wnt5b expression in the pharyngeal arches compared to controls. 73% of morphant embryos exhibited reduced sox9a expression in the pharyngeal arches compared to controls. Frontal views (a), (b), antero-lateral views (c), (d), and lateral views (e)-(h) with anterior to the right. Red arrows trace the linear outgrowth of the pterygoid process. Red asterisks indicate clumped pterygoid process cells. Red arrowheads indicate the ethmoid. Red brackets indicate the first pharyngeal arch precartilage condensations. E = eye, Eth = ethmoid, Ht = heart tube, Ptp = pterygoid process. Size bars = 100 µm.