Fig. 7
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- ZDB-FIG-150526-20
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- Burrows et al., 2015 - An In Vivo Requirement for the Mediator Subunit Med14 in the Maintenance of Stem Cell Populations
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A Conserved Requirement for med14 in the Maintenance of Stem Cell Populations (A?D) Expression of retinal stem cell marker mz98 (arrowhead) is present, but reduced in log mutants at 2.25 dpf, and absent at 3.25 dpf. (E?H) Expression of the hematopoietic stem cell marker cmyb is initiated in 2.25 dpf log mutant embryos (arrowhead), but largely absent by 3.25 dpf. (I and J) Expression of the putative gut stem cell marker lgr4 is not observed in 3.25 dpf log mutant embryos (arrowhead, note expression in WT). (K and L) Robust tail fin regeneration in WT as compared with log mutant embryos at 4 dpf following amputation (at area of dotted line) at 2 dpf. (M?R) o-Dianisidane staining of red blood cells in trunks of WT and log mutant embryos. Scale bars, 0.5 mm. (S and T) Confocal projections of 2.5 dpf Tg(cmcl2:nlsDsRedExpress) WT and log morphant hearts. (U) Quantification of myocardial cell number in WT and morphant hearts shows a significant decrease in morphants (p = 0.0017, n = 6 for both conditions). (V) Cardiac edema and heart defects remain in 3.5 dpf Tg (cmlc2:med14, α-crystallin:EGFP) log mutant embryos. (W and X) Expression of the second heart field marker ltbp3 in the arterial pole of the heart (arrowhead) is reduced in log mutants at 48 hpf. |
Genes: | |
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Knockdown Reagent: | |
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Stage Range: | Long-pec to Protruding-mouth |
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Stage Range: | Long-pec to Day 4 |