Fig. S5

Otis et al., 2015 - Zebrafish as a model for apolipoprotein biology: Comprehensive expression analysis and a role for ApoA-IV in regulating food intake
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Fig. S5

Zebrafish apoA-IVa, apoA-IVb.1, apoA-IVb.2, and apoA-IVb.3 mRNA are not revealed at the 8-cell (C) stage, 30% epiboly (E), or 80% E, as measured by in situ hybridization (ISH). Experiments were performed in triplicate (n ≥ 5 larvae each) on wild type (2?5 dpf PTU treated) and nacre-/- (6 dpf). No staining was observed with sense probes for any of the apoA-IV genes at any stage. S: somite. Data for apoA-IVb.1, apoA-IVb.2 sense and antisense probes and apoA-IVb.3 sense probe at 30% E not shown.

Expression Data
Stage Range: 8-cell to Bud

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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