neurod expression is affected in slc7a6os morphants at 24 hpf. The expression of the neural marker neurod was analyzed by WISH at 24 hpf in control and slc7a6os morphants. In MO injected embryos no expression of neurod was detected in anterior and posterior ganglia while a down-regulation was observed in dorsal diencephalon, telencephalon and octave statoacustic ganglia (B, flat-mounted embryos). The altered expression pattern of neurod seen in morphants embryos is rescued by the expression of synthetic slc7a6os mRNA. Abbreviations: ad/av/f, anterodorsal/anteroventral lateral line/ facial placodes/ ganglia; dd, dorsal diencephalon; o, octaval/statoacustic ganglia; p, posterior lateral line ganglia; t, telencephalon.