Analysis of pax2a expression in slc7a6os morphant embryos. Control and slc7a6os morphant embryos were analyzed by WISH for pax2a gene expression at different developmental stages. At 16 hpf expression of pax2a is down regulated in morphants: in particular a strong down-regulation for this marker was observed in the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (B, lateral view and E, dorsal view). No evident alterations were observed for otic vesicles and optic stalk in slc7a6os injected embryos compared to controls. At 28 hpf the defect in midbrain-hindbrain boundary is still clearly evident in morphants (H, flat mounted embryos). The midbrain-hindbrain boundary alteration is also evident in the embryo lateral view (M). Rescue experiments with synthetic slc7a6os mRNA confirmed the specificity of the phenotype observed (C, F, I, N). Abbreviations: MHB, midbrain?hindbrain boundary; op, optic stalk; ov, otic vesicles; t, telencephalon.