Fig. 6
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-140903-13
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- Heude et al., 2014 - The dlx5a/dlx6a Genes Play Essential Roles in the Early Development of Zebrafish Median Fin and Pectoral Structures
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Impaired median fin fold expression of msx genes in dlx5a/6a morphants. Whole mount in situ hybridization for msxB (A, A2) and msxC (B, B2) in lateral views of the posterior axis of control (A?B) and dlx5a/6a morphant (A2?B2) embryos at 48 hpf. In controls, msxB and msxC genes are expressed in the spinal cord (sc) and in mesenchymal cells of the median fin fold (MFF) (black arrowheads A?B). Slight msxB expression is also observed in MFF apical cells (red arrowhead A). In morphants, msx expression is limited to a few distal MFF mesenchymal cells (black arrowheads A2?B2) and aberrant msxB expression is detected in the MFF apical cells (red arrowhead A2). The dashed lines in (A2) underlie the undulating and larger notochord (nc) displayed in the morphants. (C) Schematic representation of the dorsal median fin at 48 hpf summarizing the expression of dlx5a and msx genes in their corresponding cellular types. Scale bar shown in B2 for all panels 50 μm. |
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Stage: | Long-pec |
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Stage: | Long-pec |