Fig. 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-140903-12
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- Heude et al., 2014 - The dlx5a/dlx6a Genes Play Essential Roles in the Early Development of Zebrafish Median Fin and Pectoral Structures
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Knock down of dlx5a/6a leads to a defect of cleithrum differentiation. Dorsal views of whole mount in situ hybridization for runx2b and col10a1 on control (A, C, E) and dlx5a/6a morphant (B, D, F) embryos at 36 hpf (A?B) and 48 hpf (C?F). In controls at 36 hpf, runx2b is expressed in precursors cells of the cleithrum (cl) (A) whereas expression is absent in the pectoral region of dlx5a/6a morphants (B, black asterisks). At 48 hpf, expression of runx2b and col10a1 is detected in differentiating osteoblasts of the cleithrum which supports the pectoral fin bud (C, E). The runx2b transcripts are also observed at the craniofacial level in the opercular (op) and ceratobranchial 5 (cb5) bone precursors (C). In contrast, dlx5a/6a morphants show a drastic loss of runx2b and col10a1 expression in the pectoral region (D, F, black asterisks) and of runx2b expression at the craniofacial level (D, blue asterisks). Scale bar shown in F for all panels 100 μm. |
Genes: | |
Fish: | |
Knockdown Reagents: | |
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Stage Range: | Prim-25 to Long-pec |
Fish: | |
Knockdown Reagents: | |
Observed In: | |
Stage Range: | Prim-25 to Long-pec |