Fig. 3
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-140903-10
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- Heude et al., 2014 - The dlx5a/dlx6a Genes Play Essential Roles in the Early Development of Zebrafish Median Fin and Pectoral Structures
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Phenotypes obtained with different dlx5a/dlx6a morpholinos and mRNA treatments. (A) Phenotypes observed in dlx5a/6a morphant embryos. Lateral view of control (CT) and dlx5a/6a morphant embryos at 48 hpf. The dlx5a/6a gene knock down results in moderate “curved tail” and severe “ curly tail” phenotypes compared to controls. The moderate and severe phenotypes are associated with hypoplasia and agenesis of pectoral fin bud respectively as shown in the pectoral region magnifications. Scale bar for all panels 100 μm. (B, C) The graphics show the percentages of normal (blue bars), moderate (green bars) and severe (red bars) phenotypes obtained at 48 hpf following injection of different dlx5a/dlx6a MOs and dlx5a/dlx6a mRNAs. For each treatment, the number (n) of specimens analyzed is indicated and each experiment was performed at least 3 times. The B graph shows the following treatments: control embryos injected with H2O; control embryos injected with a control MO (1.6 mM); single morphants injected with either dlx5a or dlx6a MOs (0.8 mM); double morphants co-injected with dlx5a and dlx6a MOs at two different concentrations (0.4 mM or 0.8 mM each). The C graph shows rescue experiments: control embryos injected with GFP mRNA (200 ng/ μl); control embryos co-injected with dlx5a/6a morpholinos (0.8 mM each) and GFP mRNA (200 ng/ µl) and embryos co-injected with dlx5a/6a morpholinos (0.8 mM each) and dlx5a/dlx6a mRNAs (70 ng/ μl each). |
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Stage: | Long-pec |