foxi one mutants display defects in third stream neural crest migration. Right panels, foo/foo homozygote embryos; left panels, same-clutch wild-type siblings. (A,B) Dorsal view of dlx2 expression in wild-type (A) and foo/foo (B) 10-somite stage embryos. Arrow in A indicates third stream NC cell migration avoiding the otic placode territory. Arrow in B indicates third stream NC cell invasion of the otic placode territory. (C,E) Lateral (C) and dorsal (E) views of krox20 staining in a 10-somite stage wild-type embryo. Arrows indicate NC cells streaming in a posterior and lateral direction. (D,F) Lateral (D) and dorsal (F) views of a 10-somite stage foo/foo embryo. Arrow in D indicates NC cells invading otic placode territory. Arrow in F indicates approximately normal anterior border for krox20+ NC cells.