Rpl11 deficiency is required for hematopoietic defects through p53-independent pathways in zebrafish embryos. A-C, Rpl11 is required for HSC formation through p53-independent pathways. The expression of cmyb was significantly decreased in Rpl11 morphants and in Rpl11 and p53 double morphants at 48 hpf compared with that in control embryos. D-I, Rpl11 deficiency caused defective hematopoietic phenotypes in zebrafish embryos through p53-independent pathways. Hemoglobin staining of embryos individually injected with Rpl11 MO or Rps19 MO and coinjected with p53 MO were performed. D and G are controls, E and H are Rpl11 MO or Rps19 knockdown, and F and I are Rpl11 MO and Rps19 MO coinjected with p53 MO, respectively. Panel A–C, lateral views; D-I, ventral views.