Fig. 4
Cryocauterization induces extensive cardiac apoptosis. (A-D) Confocal 3D projections of whole-heart TUNEL staining of Tg(fli1a:GFP) zebrafish, in which the endocardium and vascular endothelium are revealed by GFP immunohistochemistry. White arrowheads indicate TUNEL-positive cells. (A) Untreated (control) heart revealing few TUNEL-positive cells. (B) Sham-operated heart, revealing a slight increase in apoptosis in response to pericardial sac rupture at 4 hours post-manipulation (4 hpm). (C) Cryocauterized heart. Massive cell death is evident at the injury site and also in the vascular lumen of coronary vessels far from the injured area at 4 hours post-injury (4 hpi). Yellow arrowheads indicate TUNEL-positive capillaries. (D) Resected heart. Ventricular resection provokes apoptosis in a small area close to the amputation plane. (E-I3) TUNEL staining (white) and immunohistochemistry against tropomyosin (red) and GFP (green) on sagittal heart sections. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue). Yellow arrowheads indicate TUNEL-positive cells. (E,E2) Few apoptotic cells are detected in control hearts. (F,F2) In sham-operated hearts at 4 hpm, increased numbers of apoptotic cells are observed in the epicardium but not in the coronary vessels (F2, highlighted with broken lines). (G-G32) In cryocauterized hearts at 4 hpi, extensive cell death is visible at the injury site (compare adjacent panels in G showing greyscale images of TUNEL and DAPI stainings). Although tropomyosin staining is still present in the injured area (IA), DAPI and TUNEL staining reveal that these are enucleated cardiomyocytes undergoing cell death. (G2-G4) Higher magnification views of the boxed area in G, revealing a TUNEL-positive cardiomyocyte in the IA (G2), TUNEL-positive endocardial cells in the IA (G3) and TUNEL-positive vascular endothelial cell nuclei in the proximity of the IA (G4). (H-H3) At 3 dpi, apoptosis decreased in coronary endothelial cells and epicardium of the periphery (H2), while apoptotic cells can be found within the IA (H3). (I-I3) At 21 dpi apoptosis has generally decreased (I2) and apoptotic cells concentrate at the IA borders (I3). A, atrium; BA, bulbus arteriosus; dpm, days post-manipulation; dpi, days post-injury; epi, epicardium; hpm, hours post-manipulation; hpi, hours post-injury; hpr, hours post-resection; IA, injured area; V, ventricle. Anterior is towards the top, ventral towards the right in all panels. Scale bars: general view, 100 μm; higher magnification views, 25 μm. |