Fig. S5
Additional analysis of Radar signaling and regulation. (A-G) Dissected eyes following whole-mount in situ hybridizations on 26-somite embryos with the antisense probes indicated. (Scale bars, 50 μm.) (A) WT eyes express tbx5 in the dorsal retina, opposite of the optic fissure. (B) lost-a-fin (laf ) mutants, lacking functional Alk8 receptor, have reduced expression of tbx5. (C) In WT eyes radar expression is restricted to a narrow patch opposite of the optic fissure. (D) In sonic you (syu) mutants, in which Shh is disrupted, radar expression is slightly expanded to the ventral retina. (E-G) bmp2b overexpression mirrors the effects of bmp4 overexpression. hsp70:bmp2b transgenic fish were induced at 12-14 somites to overexpress bmp2b. radar expression is weakly expanded, tbx5 expression is strongly up-regulated, vax2 expression is absent from the retina. |