Fig. 4

Rai et al., 2010 - DNA demethylase activity maintains intestinal cells in an undifferentiated state following loss of APC
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Fig. 4

Demethylase Activity Is Required to Maintain Progenitor Cell Populations in apc Mutants

(A) Whole-mount in situ staining for aldh1a2, fabp2, and hoxa13a in apcmcr and apcwt embryos injected with control Mo, aaa Mo, combined mbd4 and tdg Mo, or overexpression of dnmt1 as in Figure 1.

(B) Cross-sections of the intestines of apcmcr and apcwt embryos whole-mount in situ stained with aid (52 hpf) or mbd4 (72 hpf). Asterisks show pronephric ducts, and arrows point to the intestine. N, notochord; SC, spinal cord.

(C) MeDIP-qPCR for genes shown in the GFP-positive cells from gutGFP;apcmcr and gutGFP;apcwt embryos (72 hpf). FACS parameters and efficiency are shown in Figures S4A and S4B.

(D?F) Immunostaining (D), RT-PCR (E), and Me-DIP PCR (F) for the indicated genes in the intestines from adult wild-type zebrafish treated with DMSO or DEAB for 7 days. In (E), RT-PCR was performed on epithelial cells isolated from the intestinal crypts.

Error bars indicate ± SD. See also Figure S4.

Expression Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Long-pec to Protruding-mouth

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Observed In:
Stage Range: Long-pec to Protruding-mouth

Phenotype Detail
This image is the copyrighted work of the attributed author or publisher, and ZFIN has permission only to display this image to its users. Additional permissions should be obtained from the applicable author or publisher of the image.

Reprinted from Cell, 142(6), Rai, K., Sarkar, S., Broadbent, T.J., Voas, M., Grossmann, K.F., Nadauld, L.D., Dehghanizadeh, S., Hagos, F.T., Li, Y., Toth, R.K., Chidester, S., Bahr, T.M., Johnson, W.E., Sklow, B., Burt, R., Cairns, B.R., and Jones, D.A., DNA demethylase activity maintains intestinal cells in an undifferentiated state following loss of APC, 930-942, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell