Knockdown of Moesin1 results in extensive loss of adherens junctions without affecting ZO-1-associated junctions. (A-F) Confocal images of ISVs in the Tg(fli1:egfp)y1 zebrafish embryos that were probed for ZO-1 (red) at 54 hpf. (A-C) ZO-1-associated junctions are seen in a control embryo. (D-F) The ZO-1-associated junctions (arrow) are observed in Moesin1 knockdown embryos but are not well separated from one another. (G-L) Confocal images of ISVs in Tg(fli1:egfp)y1 embryos labeled with Ve-cadherin (red) at 54 hpf. (G-I) Ve-cadherin labeling in a control embryo. (J-L) Moesin1 knockdown causes an extensive loss of Ve-cadherin labeling (arrowheads); some weak Ve-cadherin signals are observed (arrows).