huC and her4 expression in morphants of group I zebrafish DUBs at 24 hpf. huC and her4 expression at 24 hpf, dorsal view. Increase in huC expression was found in morphants of group I DUBs when compared to control (A-D). There are 3 members in this group, which named as otud7b, bap1 and uchl3. The arrows mark the increased huC expression area (B-C), while the arrowheads mark the denser expression pattern (D). uchl3 morphants showed the most severe effect with both stronger and denser huC expression. her4 is a downstream target gene in the Notch signaling pathway, increase of neurons may be due to the decrease of the Notch activation. Decrease in her4 expression was found in morphants of all group I DUBs when compared to control (E): otud7b (F), bap1 (G) and uchl3 (H). Arrows show the absence of her4 expression in the morphants. The number of embryos with the presented phenotype is shown in the right bottom corner of each panel.