Fig. 1
Efficient inhibition of EGFP expression by zebrafish mir-30e precursor in vivo. (A, B) Diagram of zebrafish miR-30e precursor sequence (A), and the EGFP sensor EGFP-2xPTmir30e containing two tandem perfectly complementary target sites for miR-30e binding (2xPT) in its 3′UTR (B, upper). The capped EGFP sensor mRNAs were co-injected with either miR-30e or miR-155 precursor mRNAs into one-cell stage embryos (B, bottom). (C) A dramatic decrease of EGFP fluorescence in 24 hpf embryos co-injected with EGFP-2xPTmir30e sensor (10 pg) and miR-30e precursor (50 pg). The DsRed mRNA was co-injected as an injection control (bottom panels). (D) Western blot analysis of 24 hpf embryos injected with EGFP-2xPTmir30e sensor and miR-155 precursor or miR-30e precursor. The upper non-specific bands were shown as a loading control. |