Expression of candidate genes in retina at 3 dpf. In situ hybridization on histological sections with calb2a (Aa, wild-type; Ab, sox9a mutant; Ac, sox9b mutant; Ad, double mutant), calb2b (Ba–Bd), crx (Ca–Cd), neurod (Da–Dd), rs1 (Ea–Ed), sox4a (Fa–Fd), vsx1 (Ga–Gd) and col2a1a (Ha–Hd). Expression of calb2a appeared in the ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer (Aa); calb2b was expressed in the ganglion cell layer and a cell population in the inner part of the inner nuclear layer (Ba); crx was expressed in the outer part of the inner nuclear layer and outer nuclear layer (Ca); neurod was expressed in the outer nuclear layer and a cell population in the inner nuclear layer (Da); rs1 was expressed in the outer part of the inner nuclear layer and the outer nuclear layer (Ea); sox4a was expressed in a cell population in the inner nuclear layer (Fa); and vsx1 was expressed in the outer part of the inner nuclear layer (Ga). The ciliary marginal zone did not express calb2a, calb2b, neurod, rs1 or sox4a (asterisk). In sox9b and double mutants, expression in dorsal margin and ventral margin was reduced for all seven genes. The expression of sox4a in the inner nuclear layer was stronger in sox9b and sox9a;sox9b double mutants than in wild-type and sox9a mutants (Fa–Fd). Expression of col2a1a appeared in iris (Ha), and was not affected in sox9 mutant embryos (Hb–Hd). No obvious defect was observed in the sox9a mutant retina. cmz, ciliary marginal zone; gcl, ganglion cell layer; inl, inner nuclear layer; inli, inner part of inner nuclear layer; inlo, outer part of inner nuclear layer; ir, iris; onl, outer nuclear layer.