miR-218a expression in the zebrafish brain. miR-218a shows cell type specific expression in cranial motor nuclei (III, V, VI, VII, IX, X) and spinal motoneurons (Table E). miR-218a expression is conserved in adult motor nuclei, but also expands in rostral brain areas including the ventral telencephalon, magnocellular preoptic area, ventral and lateral hypothalamic nuclei, optic tectum and inferior olive (Table I). A. transverse section through the larval hindbrain at the level of the octaval ganglion (OG) showing miR-218a expression in the trigeminal motor nucleus (NV). B. transverse section through the larval hindbrain at the level of the otic capsule (ot, caudal to section A) showing miR-218a expression in the facial (NVII) and abducens (NVI) motor nuclei. C. transverse section through the larval hindbrain at the level of the otic capsule (ot, caudal to section B) showing miR-218a expression in the facial motor nucleus (NVII). D. transverse section through the larval hindbrain at the level of the posterior lateral line (PLLG) and vagal (VG) ganglia showing miR-218a expression in the glossopharyngeal motor nucleus (NIX). E. transverse section through the larval caudal hindbrain (caudal to section D) showing miR-218a expression in the vagal motor nucleus (NX). F. transverse section through the larval caudal hindbrain (caudal to section E) showing miR-218a expressing cells in the vagal motor nucleus (NX) and motor neurons (MN) of the caudal inferior reticular formation. G. parasagittal confocal section through the larval hindbrain showing miR-218a expressing cells in the facial (NVII) and vagal (NX) motor nuclei. H. parasagittal confocal section through the larval hindbrain showing cells expressing Tg(isl1:gfp) in the facial (NVII) and vagal (NX) motor nuclei. I. superimposition of sections G and H showing co-localization (in yellow) of miR-218a (red) and GFP (green) expression in the facial (NVII) and vagal (NX) motor nuclei. J. transverse section through the larval spinal cord showing miR-218a expressing cells in motor neurons (MN). K. transverse section through the adult preoptic area at the level of the optic chiasma (oc) showing miR-218a expressing cells in the magnocellular preoptic nucleus (PM). L. transverse section through the adult ventral hypothalamus showing miR-218a expressing cells in the lateral hypothalamic nucleus (LH) and ventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus (Hv). M. transverse section through the adult caudal midbrain showing weak miR-218a expressing cells in the oculomotor nucleus (NIII). N. transverse section through the adult hindbrain at the level of the trigeminal nerve (ventral motor root, Vmv) showing miR-218a expressing cells in the ventral part of the trigeminal motor nucleus (NVmv). O. transverse section through the adult hindbrain at the level of the octaval nerve (VIII) showing miR-218a expressing cells in the rostral part of the abducens nucleus (NVIr). P. transverse section through the adult hindbrain at the level of the octaval nerve (VIII, caudal to section O) showing miR-218a expressing cells in the caudal part of the abducens (NVIc) and motor facial (NVIIm) nuclei. Q. transverse section through the adult caudal hindbrain at the level of the vagal nerve (caudal to section P) showing miR-218a expressing cells in the vagal motor nucleus (NXm) and inferior olive (IO). R. transverse section through the adult spinal cord showing miR-218a expressing cells in motor neurons (MN) of the ventral horn (VH).