Other miRNAs expressed in the zebrafish brain. In addition to the 21 described above, we have examined the expression of seventeen additional miRNAs in the zebrafish brain. In this figure and following tables (Additional file AF27) we show examples of their expression. A. transverse section through the larval rostral telencephalon showing miR-139 expressing cells in the olfactory epithelium (OE). miR-139 is widely expressed in differentiated cells in the zebrafish brain (see also panel D). B. transverse section through the adult olfactory bulb showing miR-187 expressing cells in glomerular (GL) and internal cellular (ICL) layers. miR-187 is widely expressed in differentiated cells in the adult zebrafish brain. C. transverse section through the embryonic rostral diencephalon showing miR-454a expressing cells in the preoptic area (Po), eminentia thalami (ET), migrated eminentia thalami (M3), habenula (Ha), and retina. The arrow points at the ciliary marginal zone. miR-454a is almost ubiquitously expressed in the larval zebrafish brain. D. transverse section through the adult hypothalamus showing miR-139 expressing cells in ventral (Hv) and dorsal (Hd) zones of periventricular hypothalamus, anterior tuberal nucleus (ATN), lateral hypothalamic nucleus (LH), posterior tuberal nucleus (PTN), lateral torus (TLa) and lateral preglomerular nucleus (PGl). miR-139 is widely expressed in differentiated cells in the zebrafish brain. E. transverse section through the larval retina showing miR-132 expressing cells in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ, arrow), inner nuclear layer (INL) and ganglion (GCL) cell layers. miR-132 is widely expressed in the zebrafish brain. F. transverse section through the larval retina showing miR-125b expressing cells in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ, arrow), inner (INL) and ganglion (GCL) cell layers. miR-125b is almost ubiquitously expressed in the zebrafish brain. G. transverse section through the adult hypothalamus showing miR-132 expressing cells in dorsal zone of periventricular hypothalamus (Hd), anterior tuberal nucleus (ATN), lateral hypothalamic nucleus (LH), posterior tuberal nucleus (PTN), medial preglomerular nucleus (PGm) and posterior thalamic nucleus (Pt). miR-132 is widely expressed in differentiated cells in the zebrafish brain (see also panel E). H. transverse section through the adult preoptic area showing miR-98 expressing cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SC) and parvocellular posterior preoptic nucleus (PPp). miR-98 is widely expressed in the adult zebrafish brain. I. transverse section through the adult preoptic area showing miR-34b expressing cells lining and lateral to the ventricle in the anterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus (PPa). miR-34b is mainly expressed in periventricular cells of the adult zebrafish brain (see also panel L). J. transverse section through the larval diencephalon and optic tectum (TeO) showing miR-125a expressing cells in the ventral (VT) and dorsal (DT) thalamus and the periventricular gray zone (pgz) of the TeO. miR-125a is widely expressed in differentiated cells of the zebrafish brain. K. transverse section through the adult dorsal diencephalon showing miR-100 expressing cells in the habenular nuclei (dorsal-Had, ventral-Hav), ventromedial thalamic nucleus (VM) and optic tectum (TeO). miR-100 is widely expressed in the zebrafish brain. L. transverse section through the adult thalamic area showing miR-34b expressing cells lining the ventricle in the ventromedial thalamic nucleus (VM). miR-34b is mainly expressed in periventricular cells of the adult zebrafish brain (see also panel I). M. transverse section through the larval midbrain showing miR-99 expressing cells in the periventricular gray zone (pgz) of the optic tectum (TeO), tegmentum (T), semicircular torus (TS) and intermediate hypothalamus (Hi). miR-99 is widely expressed in periventricular and differentiating cells of the larval zebrafish brain. N. transverse section through the adult isthmus showing miR-103 expressing cells in the central gray (GC), superior raphe (SR), isthmic nucleus (NI), nucleus of lateral valvula (NLV) and diffuse nucleus of inferior hypothalamic lobe (DIL). miR-103 is widely expressed in the zebrafish brain. O. transverse section through the adult cerebellum showing miR-16 expressing cells in the cerebellar granular layer (CeGL). miR-16 is widely expressed in the zebrafish brain.