Fig. 5

Moreno et al., 2008 - Retinoic acid regulation of the Mesp-Ripply feedback loop during vertebrate segmental patterning
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Fig. 5

Zebrafish Mesp genes respond differently to RA treatment. (A?D) Zebrafish embryos treated with carrier control (DMSO; top panels) or with RA (lower panels) for 3 h and then stained for the expression of the indicated gene: A, Dr-mespa; B, Dr-mespb; C, mespo; D, mkp3. (E) Zebrafish embryos transgenic for Xl-mespb-GFP were stained for GFP RNA (i), Dr-mespb RNA (ii) or Dr-mespa RNA expression (iii) and aligned according to the first somite. (F) Double-label in situs on zebrafish embryos transgenic for Xl-mespb-GFP with GFP (red) and the gene indicated (purple) to localize the GFP expression pattern. (G) X. laevis (left panel) and zebrafish embryos (right panel) transgenic for the full-length Xl-mespb-GFP were imaged by confocal microscopy. Shown is a region containing newly formed somites, and where somitic boundaries are marked with arrowheads. (H) Zebrafish embryos transgenic for Xl-mespb-GFP were treated with RA at the 6 somite stage (i, ii) or 12 somite stage (iii, iv) and stained for GFP RNA (red) and for no tail (ntl) in purple to mark the notochord. Brackets mark the tailbud domain. Anterior is oriented up in all panels.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: 5-9 somites to 10-13 somites

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 315(2), Moreno, T.A., Jappelli, R., Izpisúa Belmonte, J.C., and Kintner, C., Retinoic acid regulation of the Mesp-Ripply feedback loop during vertebrate segmental patterning, 317-330, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.