jagged2a-Expressing Cells in the Pronephric Duct are Multi-Cilia Cells(A–D) rfx2 is expressed uniformly in the IM at (A) 15 ss, and expression is restricted to individual cells in the pronephric duct from (B) 17 ss onwards to (C) 20 ss and (D) 24 hpf. Arrows demarcate the distal duct region that contains rfx2-expressing cells. (E–J) Fluorescent double in situ hybridization of (E and H) jagged2a and (F and I) rfx2 revealed that they are (G and J) colocalized in the distal pronephric duct of (E–G) 17-ss and (H–J) 22-hpf embryos. Arrows point to the cells that express jagged2a and rfx2, and arrowhead points to the cells that express jagged2a only. (K–M) Fluorescent double in situ hybridization of (K) rfx2 and (L) her9 revealed that they are expressed in the (M) alternate cells in the distal pronephric duct of 20-ss embryos. Arrowheads point to the rfx2-expressing cells and arrows point to the her9-expressing cells. All embryos, anterior to the left. (A) and (B) are dorsal views; (C–M) are lateral views. Bar scale: 135 μm (A), 150 μm (B), 100 μm (C), 120 μm (D), and 50 μm (E–M).