Fig. 3

Challa et al., 2005 - Robo3 isoforms have distinct roles during zebrafish development
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Fig. 3

robo orthologs are maternally expressed. Whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization on two-cell stage embryos for (A) robo3var1 and (B) robo3var2 showing maternal expression. RT-PCR experiments using total RNA extracted from different developmental stages: M, maternal (2?512 cell stage); Z, early zygotic (1000 cell stage); 10, 10 hpf and 24, 24 hpf. robo1, robo2, robo3var1 and robo3var2 are expressed at all stages. The expression levels, as indicated by PCR amplifications, are relatively uniform for robo1, decreased expression at 10 hpf for robo2 and robo3var2, and decreased expression at early zygotic stage for robo3var1. Since these primers flank introns, they will not amplify on genomic DNA.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage Range: 2-cell to Prim-5

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Mechanisms of Development, 122(10), Challa, A.K., McWhorter, M.L., Wang, C., Seeger, M.A., and Beattie, C.E., Robo3 isoforms have distinct roles during zebrafish development, 1073-1086, Copyright (2005) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mech. Dev.