Two distinct types of OSNs with different molecular signatures in zebrafish OE. A-J, RNA in situ hybridization was performed on horizontal sections of the zebrafish olfactory rosette using digoxigenin-labeled probes specific for the following molecules: zOMP (A, B), zCNGA2 (C), zOR2.1 (D), zOR13.1 (E), zTRPC2 (F, G), zVR5.3 (H), zVR3.13a (I), and zVR3.13b (J). Note that zOMP (B), zCNGA2 (C), and OR-type receptors (D, E) were expressed in the deep layer of the OE, whereas zTRPC2 (G) and VR-type receptors (H-J) were expressed in the superficial layer. In contrast to the zVR5.3 expression in a large fraction of OSNs (H), other VR- and OR-type receptors were expressed in a small subset of OSNs (D, E, I, J). B-E, G-J, The apical surface of the OE is at the top of each panel. Scale bars: (in F) A, F, 100 μm; (in J) B-E, G-J, 20 μm.