Fig. 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-080305-4
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- Sato et al., 2005 - Mutually exclusive glomerular innervation by two distinct types of olfactory sensory neurons revealed in transgenic zebrafish
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Differential axonal projections from two types of OSNs. Whole-mount OB from OMP:RFP;TRPC2:Venus adult zebrafish were observed under a fluorescence stereomicroscope: A, D, G, lateral views; B, E, H, dorsal views; C, F, I, ventral views. Ciliated OSNs labeled with RFP projected their axons to almost all over the dorsal region and the ventromedial portion of the OB (A-C; magenta in G-I). In contrast, microvillous OSNs labeled with Venus projected their axons exclusively to the ventrolateral region (D-F; green in G-I). The arrows and arrowheads indicate dorsal cluster and the anterior plexus, respectively. a, Anterior; d, dorsal; l, lateral. Scale bar, 100 μm. |