Figure Gallery

Expression Pattern Search Results
(15093 genes with expression)
Gene Expression Data Stage Range
ywhae1 10 Figures from 5 Publications with image 1-cell to Adult
ywhae2 8 Figures from 3 Publications with image 1-cell to Days 45-89
ywhag1 12 Figures from 5 Publications with image 2-cell to Adult
ywhag2 Fig. 4 from Cao et al., 2018 Days 45-89
ywhah 8 Figures from 3 Publications with image 2-cell to Days 45-89
ywhaqa 13 Figures from 4 Publications with image 1-cell to Days 45-89
ywhaqb 9 Figures from 4 Publications with image 1-cell to Adult
ywhaz 14 Figures from 5 Publications with image 2-cell to Adult
yy1a 5 Figures from 3 Publications with image 1-cell to Adult
yy1b 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image 1-cell to Adult
zanl Fig. 5 from Hunt et al., 2005 with image Adult
zap70 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image 14-19 somites to Adult
zar1 5 Figures from 3 Publications with image 75%-epiboly to Adult
zar1l Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 1-cell to Pec-fin
zbbx Fig. S3 from Choksi et al., 2014 with image 26+ somites
zbtb1 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image 1-cell to Adult
zbtb2a Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 1-cell to Pec-fin
zbtb2b 6 Figures from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to Long-pec
zbtb3 2 Figures from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 1-cell to Pec-fin
zbtb4 Fig. 1 from Yao et al., 2010 1-cell to Long-pec
zbtb7b 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Bud to Days 7-13
zbtb8a 3 Figures from England et al., 2014 with image Prim-5
zbtb8b 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image 1-cell to Adult
zbtb8os 6 Figures from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to Long-pec
zbtb10 7 Figures from 2 Publications with image 50%-epiboly to Long-pec

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