Fig 5

Prykhozhij et al., 2024 - miR-34a is a tumor suppressor in zebrafish and its expression levels impact metabolism, hematopoiesis and DNA damage
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Fig 5

Tumor development due to tp53 mutations in zebrafish is enhanced by loss of miR-34a.

(A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves for tp53-/- and miR-34a-/-;tp53-/- zebrafish. (B) Kaplan-Meier survival curves for tp53R217H/R217H and miR-34a-/-;tp53R217H/R217H zebrafish. (C, D) Anatomical categorization of the tumors in zebrafish adults of the genotypes shown in (A, B). Broad anatomical categories are shown, which are not precisely related to the histological tumor types; ‘Other’ indicates that a fish had a cancer-related pathology such as a possible leukemia, but no visible tumor. (E) Hematoxylin-eosin staining of selected tumors identified during the tumor watch experiment. Each row shows 3 examples from the zebrafish of the indicated genotype on the first image in each row. For each tumor low (20x) and high-magnification (200x) images are shown as well as an inset of gross morphology of the zebrafish analyzed for tumor histology.

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