Figure 2—figure supplement 1.

QF2 driver lines recapitulate gsc2 and rln3a expression patterns in the adult brain.

Drawing of adult zebrafish brain in lateral view (after Wullimann et al., 1996), indicating positions of coronal sections (70 µm) shown in (B–G). (B, D, F) WISH for (B) gsc2 and (D, F) rln3a. (C, E, G) Confocal Z-projections of labeled neurons in (C) Tg(gsc2:QF2)c721; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 and (E, G) Tg(rln3a:QF2, he1.1:YFP)c836; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 brains. Anterior to the top. Dashed lines delineate ventricles and medial longitudinal fascicles (MLF). Scale bars, 100 µm. Ob: olfactory bulb, Tel: telencephalon, Hb: habenula, OT: optic tectum, IPN: interpeduncular nucleus, Ce: cerebellum, Md: medulla.

Expression Data

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Antibody Labeling
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