Figure 2

Alba-González et al., 2024 - Manganese Overexposure Alters Neurogranin Expression and Causes Behavioral Deficits in Larval Zebrafish
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Figure 2

MnCl2 alters the morphology of the olfactory organ of larval zebrafish at 5 dpf. (a,b), Z-projection of confocal images from the rostral top of the head showing the olfactory organ (thick arrows) immunochemically stained against alpha-tubulin in untreated (a) and Mn exposed (500 µM, from 2.5 hpf to 5 dpf) 5 dpf larvae (b). (c,d) Scanning electron microscope images of the olfactory epithelium of untreated (c) and Mn exposed (500 µM, from 2.5 hpf to 5 dpf) larvae (d), showing the morphological changes in the olfactory pit opening and a detailed view of the apical processes (arrows) of the olfactory cells. Scale bars: 50 µm (a,b); 10µm (c,d).

Expression Data

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