Chen et al., 2023 - Identification of the natural chalcone glycoside hydroxysafflor yellow A as a suppressor of P53 overactivation-associated hematopoietic defects
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Hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) downregulated P53 signaling and cell apoptosis in N,N,N′,N′‐tetrakis(2‐pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN)‐treated zebrafish. (A) QPCR results showing the expression of P53 and its downstream proapoptotic factors P21 and Bax in zebrafish embryos with indicated treatment for 12 h; TPEN:150 μM, ZnSO4:100 μM, HSYA:100 μg/ml. (B and C) QPCR results showing the expression of Mdm2 (B) and Caspase3 (C); (D) Western blot images and quantitative results showing P53 and Bax expression; (E and F) immunostaining of H2AX‐labeled apoptotic cells (red signals in E) and PH3‐labeled of proliferating cells (red signals in F) in TPEN‐treated Tg(runx1: eGFP) zebrafish with hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) labeled in green; at least 7 embryos were included in each group; For Western blot and QPCR experiments, 30 embryos in each group from 3 separate experiments were used; scale bar (in E and F), 100 μm. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

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