- Title
Isolation and expression analysis of foxj1 and foxj1.2 in zebrafish embryos
- Authors
- Aamar, E., and Dawid, I.B.
- Source
- Full text @ Int. J. Dev. Biol.
- Probe
- ibd5134
- Supplier
Expression pattern of foxj1. (A) RT-PCR expression analysis of zebrafish foxj1 and histone 4 (H4) as control was performed for different stages (1-8: unfertilized eggs, 100-200 cells, high-dome, 40-50% epiboly, 80-90%, bud, 6- somites, and 24h embryos, respectively). (B-W) Spatio-temporal expression pattern of zebrafish foxj1. Whole-mount in situ hybridization with zebrafish foxj1 probe alone (B-D, H-J, P-Q, TW), or combined with either pax2.1 (red) (E-F, KO) or ntl (red) (G, R-S). Stages are indicated at top right, with “s” referring to somite number, and hpf referring to hours post-fertilization. Views are as follows: (B) dorsal, (C,D) lateral with dorsal to the right, (E,I,K,M,O,U) dorsal with anterior to the left, (F,J) posterior with dorsal to the left, (Q) anterior with dorsal to the left, (G,H,L,P,R,S,T,V,W) lateral with anterior to the left, and (N) is posterior with dorsal up. DFCs, dorsal forerunner cells; e, eye; fp, floor plate; k, kidney; KV, Kupffer’s vesicle; MHB, mid-hindbrain boundary; op, olfactory pits; ot; otolith; ov, otic vesicle; pd, pronephric duct; t, tectum; tv, tectal ventricle. |
Zebrafish foxj1.2 expression. (A-P) Spatio-temporal expression pattern of foxj1.2. Whole-mount in situ hybridization with foxj1.2 probe alone (A-D, F-G, L, M4), or combined with pax2.1 and charon (both red) (E, H-K, M-P). Shield-60% epiboly (A), 80% epiboly (B), bud (C-E), 4 somites (FG), 7 somites (H-J), 15 somites (K,P), 16 somites (L), 1 day (M), 2 days (N), 3 and 4 days (P left and right respectively). Views are as follows: dorsal (A, B); dorsal with anterior to the left (C bottom, E, F bottom, H and H bottom), dorsal with anterior up (P right), lateral with dorsal to the right, (A left bottom, B left bottom), lateral with anterior to left (C top, F, I, K-O except for M4, P left), posterior with dorsal up (D, G, J), anterior ventral with dorsal up (M4), animal view (A left top, B left top), ventral with posterior to the right (J right bottom). (Q) RT-PCR expression analysis of foxj1.2 and β-actin as control was performed for different stages (1-8: unfertilized eggs, 100-200 cells, high-dome, 40-50% epiboly, 80-90%, bud, 13-somites, 24hpf and 3days old embryos respectively, and –RT in lane 10). d, diencephalon; dt, dorsal tectum; e, eye; fp, floor plate; k, kidney; KV, Kupffer’s vesicle; MHB, mid-hindbrain boundary; nt, notochord; op, olfactory pit; ot; otolith; ov, otic vesicle; p, pineal gland; pd, pronephric duct; pnt, posterior neural tube; t, tectum; tg, trigeminal ganglion; tv, tectal ventricle. EXPRESSION / LABELING: