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All 1867 anatomical structures at stage Adult (90d-730d, breeding adult) Highlight terms containing:

Structure Name Synonyms
CaP motoneuron CAP motoneurons, caudal primary motoneuron
anatomical line
optic furrow optic fissure
sulcus ypsiloniformis
ventral sulcus hypothalamic sulcus
anatomical space anatomical spaces
bile canaliculus
choroidal fissure choroidal fissures
coelom body cavity
gall bladder
gonad gonads, mature gonad
gamete gametes
ovary ovaries
ovarian follicle egg follicle
granulosa cell layer granulosa cell layers
micropylar cell plug cell
oocyte egg
oocyte stage I oocytes stage I, previtellogenic oocyte, primary oocyte, Stage 1 oocyte
oocyte stage II cortical-alveolar oocyte, oocytes stage II, previtellogenic oocyte, Stage 2 oocyte
oocyte stage III oocytes stage III, postvitellogenic oocyte, Stage 3 oocyte, vitellogenic oocytes
oocyte stage IV mature oocytes, oocytes stage IV, postvitellogenic oocyte, Stage 4 oocyte
oocyte stage V mature egg, unactivated egg
ovarian follicle stage I ovarian follicle stage 1, previtellogenic ovarian follicle
ovarian follicle stage II ovarian follicle stage 2, ovarian follicles stage II
ovarian follicle stage III ovarian follicle stage 3, ovarian follicles stage III
ovarian follicle stage IV mature ovarian follicle, ovarian follicle stage 4
postovulatory follicle postovulatory follicles
thecal cell layer thecal cell layers
zona radiata vitelline envelope
testis testes
Sertoli cell Sertoli cells
sperm duct efferent duct, efferent tubule, sperm ducts
spermatocyte spermatocytes
spermatogonium spermatogonia
atrial endocardium
atrial myocardium
atrioventricular valve
sinoatrial valve sinoatrial valves
bulbus arteriosus cardiac outflow tract, outflow tract, truncus
bulbus arteriosus inner layer bulbus arteriosus intima
bulbus arteriosus middle layer bulbus arteriosus media
bulbus arteriosus outer layer bulbus arteriosus externa
ventriculo bulbo valve bulboventricular valve
cardiac conduction system cardiac pacemaker, central conduction system
atrioventricular node AV node, downstream pacemaker
central cardiac conduction system
peripheral cardiac conduction system distal conduction system, ventricular fast conduction system
sinoatrial node
cardiac ventricle ventricle
ventricular endocardium
ventricular epicardium
ventricular myocardium
compact layer of ventricle
trabecular layer of ventricle
atrioventricular canal endocardium
heart valve heart valves
myocardium cardiac muscle, heart muscle
cardiac muscle cell cardiac muscle cells, cardiac myocyte, cardiomyocyte
trabecular layer trabecula
sinus venosus inflow tract
kidney mesonephros
corpuscles of Stannius
head kidney anterior kidney, kidney marrow
interrenal gland
juxtaglomerular cell kidney granular cell, renin secreting cell
kidney vasculature
afferent glomerular arteriole
efferent glomerular arteriole
glomerular capillary
kidney blood vessel
renal corpuscle Malpighian corpuscle
renal glomerular capsule Bowman's capsule
renal glomerular capsule epithelium parietal epithelial layer
renal glomerulus glomerular capillary tuft, renal glomeruli
glomerular basement membrane glomerular filtration membrane
lamina densa
lamina rara externa
lamina rara interna
mesonephric podocyte
renal tubule mesonephric tubule, renal tubules
distal early tubule distal early tubules
distal late tubule
proximal convoluted tubule
proximal straight tubule
renal principal cell
posterior kidney posterior kidneys
renal duct
collecting duct
endocrine pancreas pancreatic islet, tail pancreas
exocrine pancreas head pancreas, rostral pancreas
swim bladder gas bladder
anterior chamber swim bladder camera arerea weberiana
ductus communicans
posterior chamber swim bladder
tunica externa swim bladder
tunica interna swim bladder
lateral fontanel of frontal
foramen foramina
auditory fenestra auditory fenestrae
auditory foramen
basicapsular fenestra basicapsular fenestrae
coracoid foramen
dentary foramen
foramen magnum
inner ear foramen
sacculoagenar foramen
utriculosaccular foramen
neuromast foramen
olfactory nerve foramen
optic foramen optic nerve (II) foramen
orbital foramen
prootic foramen anterior trigemino-facialis foramen of Howes, trigeminal notch of Harrington
scapular foramen
superficial ophthalmic nerve foramen
anterior myodome
articular fossa of opercle
sphenotic-prootic fossa
prootic depression
subtemporal fossa
gill opening
labial cavity labial cavities
lower oral valve breathing valve, buccal valve, lower internal lip, lower semilunar valve, mandibular valve
upper oral valve breathing valve, buccal valve, maxillary valve, upper internal lip, upper semilunar valve
olfactory pit nasal canal, nasal cavity, nasal pit, olfactory cavity
opercular cavity
oral cavity buccal cavity, buccal chamber
pericardial cavity thoracic cavity
perilymphatic space
atrium of sinus impar
sinus impar
pleuroperitoneal cavity coelom, coelomic cavity, visceral cavity
pupil pupils
recessus lateralis
renal capsular space Bowman's space, inter-glomerular space, urinary space
semicircular canal scc, semicircular canals, semicircular duct
anterior semicircular canal anterior semicircular canals, anterior semicircular duct, rostral vertical semicircular canal
anterior crista ac, anterior crista ampullaris, anterior cristae, anterior semicircular canal sensory patch, anterior semicircular canal sensory patches, rostral crista
dorsolateral septum dorsal bar
pillar of the anterior semicircular canal anterior hub of the semicircular canal, anterior pillar, anterior pillar of the semicircular canal, horizontal hub
lateral semicircular canal horizontal semicircular canal, lateral semicircular canals, lateral semicircular duct
lateral crista lateral crista ampullaris, lateral cristae, lateral semicircular canal sensory patch, lateral semicircular canal sensory patches, lc, medial crista
pillar of the lateral semicircular canal lateral hub of the semicircular canal, ventral bar, ventral pillar, ventral piller of the semicircular canal
pillar of the semicircular canal
pillar of the posterior semicircular canal horizontal hub, posterior hub of the semicircular canal, posterior pillar, posterior pillar of the semicircular
posterior semicircular canal caudal vertical semicircular canal, posterior semicircular canals, posterior semicircular duct
posterior crista caudal crista, pc, posterior crista ampullaris, posterior cristae, posterior semicircular canal sensory patch, posterior semicircular canal sensory patches
anatomical structure anatomical structures
acellular anatomical structure acellular anatomical structures
basal lamina basal laminae
Bowman's layer anterior elastic lamina, anterior limiting membrane
inner limiting membrane ILM, inner limiting membranes
myoseptum myocommata, myosepta
horizontal myoseptum horizontal septum
vertical myoseptum transverse myoseptum
outer limiting membrane external limiting membrane, outer limiting membranes
tooth cusp
anatomical group
anatomical cluster
anal fin pterygiophore anal fin radial
anal fin distal radial anal fin distal radials
anal fin proximal radial anal fin proximal radials
bony shelf above orbit
chondrocranium chondocranium, neurocranium
basioccipital posterodorsal region
chondrocranium cartilage neurocranium cartilage
auditory capsule otic capsule
basal plate cartilage basal plate cartilages
epiphyseal bar
sclerotic cartilage scleral cartilage, sclerotic cartilages
taenia marginalis anterior orbital cartilage, taeniae marginales anterior
taenia marginalis posterior orbital cartilage, taeniae marginales posterior
tectum synoticum
trabecula communis trabecular bar
trabecula cranii trabeculae cranii
epiotic epioccipital
exoccipital exoccipitals
exoccipital posteroventral region exoccipitals posteroventral regions
kinethmoid bone
lateral ethmoid lateral ethmoids
mesethmoid bone ethmoid bone
orbitosphenoid orbitosphenoids
preethmoid bone pre-ethmoid, preethmoid bones
prootic prootics
pterosphenoid pterosphenoids
pterotic autopterotic
sclerotic bone scleral ossicle, sclerotic bones
anterior sclerotic bone anterior sclerotic bones
posterior sclerotic bone posterior sclerotic bones
sphenotic autosphenotic
dermatocranium dermal bone cranium
anguloarticular articular
branchiostegal ray branchiostegal rays
branchiostegal ray 1 branchiostegal rays 1
branchiostegal ray 2 branchiostegal rays 2
branchiostegal ray 3 branchiostegal rays 3
coronomeckelian coronoid, sesamoid articular
dentary dentary bone
ectopterygoid ectopterygoids
entopterygoid endopterygoid, mesopterygoid
frontal bone
infraorbital 1 lachrymal bone, lacrimal, lacrymal bone
infraorbital 2
infraorbital 3
infraorbital 4
infraorbital 5 dermosphenotic
interopercle interopercles
maxilla maxillae
nasal bone nasal bones
opercle opercles
parietal bone post parietal
posttemporal post-temporal, postemporal
premaxilla premaxillae
premaxilla ascending process premaxilla ascending processes
preopercle preopercles
preopercle horizontal limb preopercle anterior arm, preopercle horizontal arm, preopercle lower limb, preopercle ventral arm
preopercle vertical limb preopercle dorsal arm, preopercle posterior arm, preopercle upper limb, preopercle vertical arm
prevomer vomer
subopercle subopercles
supraethmoid supra-ethmoid
supraorbital bone supraorbital bones
dorsal fin pterygiophore dorsal fin support
dorsal fin distal radial dorsal fin distal radials
dorsal fin distal radial 1
dorsal fin distal radial 2
dorsal fin distal radial 3
dorsal fin distal radial 4
dorsal fin distal radial 5
dorsal fin distal radial 6
dorsal fin distal radial 7
dorsal fin distal radial 8
dorsal fin proximal radial dorsal fin proximal radials
dorsal fin proximal radial 1
dorsal fin proximal radial 2
dorsal fin proximal radial 3
dorsal fin proximal radial 4
dorsal fin proximal radial 5
dorsal fin proximal radial 6
dorsal fin proximal radial 7
dorsal fin proximal radial 8
dorsal fin pterygiophore 1 dorsal fin radial 1
dorsal fin pterygiophore 2 dorsal fin radial 2
dorsal fin pterygiophore 3 dorsal fin radial 3
dorsal fin pterygiophore 4 dorsal fin radial 4
dorsal fin pterygiophore 5 dorsal fin radial 5
dorsal fin pterygiophore 6 dorsal fin radial 6
dorsal fin pterygiophore 7 dorsal fin radial 7
dorsal fin pterygiophore 8 dorsal fin radial 8
dorsal hyoid arch dorsal visceral arch 2
hyomandibula hyomandibular
hyosymplectic cartilage hyomandibular cartilage
symplectic symplectics
infraorbital series circumorbital series
inner ear ear, otic capsule, otocyst
endolymphatic duct
macula maculae, sensory macula, sensory patch
macula lagena maculae lagena
macula neglecta maculae neglecta
macula saccule saccular macula
macula utricle maculae utricle
otolith organ otolith organs
lagena lagenas
asteriscus lagenar otolith, lagenolith
otolith immature otolith, immature otoliths, statolith
lapillus immature anterior otolith, utricular otolith, utriculith
sagitta immature posterior otolith, saccular otolith, sacculith
saccule sacculus
utricle utriculus
pars inferior ear
pars superior ear
common crus
joint joints
autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint
autopalatine-maxillary joint
autopalatine-vomer joint
basioccipital-exoccipital joint
cartilaginous joint synchondrosis
mandibular symphysis dentary symphysis, inter-mandibular joint
vertebra 4-vertebra 5 joint
vertebra 5-vertebra 6 joint
vertebra 6 - vertebra 7 joint
ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint
ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
dentary-anguloarticular joint
dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint
epihyal-ceratohyal joint
fibrous joint syndesmoses, syndesmosis
frontal-pterotic joint
hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint
hyomandibular-otic region joint hyomandibula-sphenotic-prootic joint
inter-basipterygium joint
inter-coracoid joint
inter-frontal joint interfrontal joint, interfrontal suture, metopic suture
inter-hypobranchial 3 joint
inter-premaxillary joint
inter-ventral hypohyal joint
interhyal-epihyal joint
lateral ethmoid-frontal joint
opercle-interopercle joint
orbitosphenoid-lateral ethmoid joint
orbitosphenoid-prootic joint
prootic-exoccipital joint
prootic-pterosphenoid joint
pterosphenoid-orbitosphenoid joint
quadrate-anguloarticular joint jaw joint
quadrate-hyomandibula joint
quadrate-metapterygoid joint
synovial joint diarthrodial joints, diarthroses
synovial cell synovial cells
synovial fluid
ventral hypohyal-urohyal joint
lagenar capsule lagenar capsules
neural complex Weberian supraneural
supraneural 2 small supraneural, sn2
supraneural 3 large supraneural, sn3
neurocranium braincase, palatal skeleton
neuromast lateral line neuromast, lateral line organ, neuromasts
anterior lateral line neuromast neuromast anterior
dorsal lateral line neuromast neuromast dorsal
infraorbital lateral line neuromast neuromast infraorbital, neuromasts infraorbital
mandibular lateral line neuromast neuromast mandibular, neuromasts mandibular
middle lateral line neuromast neuromast middle, neuromasts middle
neuromast hair cell neuromast hair cells
neuromast mantle cell neuromast mantle cells
neuromast support cell neuromast support cells
occipital lateral line neuromast neuromast occipital, neuromasts occipital
opercular lateral line neuromast neuromast opercular, neuromasts opercular
otic lateral line neuromast neuromast otic, neuromasts otic
posterior lateral line neuromast neuromast posterior, neuromasts posterior
supraorbital lateral line neuromast neuromast supraorbital, neuromasts supraorbital
occipital region basicranial region
notochord notocord
notochord posterior region
olfactory region ethmoid region
oral region
oral epithelium
orbital region
otic region cranial vault
intercalar opisthotic
palatoquadrate arch dorsal mandibular arch, dorsal visceral arch 1, upper jaw, upper pharyngeal jaw
autopalatine palatine
anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatine anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatines
metapterygoid metapterygoids
palatoquadrate cartilage dorsal mandibular cartilage, pterygoquadrate, quadrate cartilage
quadrate quadrates
quadrate ventral process quadrate ventral processes
pectoral girdle pectoral girdles
cleithrum cleithra
coracoid coracoids, scapulocoracoid
extrascapula supratemporal, tabular
mesocoracoid bone mesocoracoid bones
postcleithrum postcleithra
scapula scapulae
supracleithrum supracleithra
pelvic girdle pelvic girdles
basipterygium pelvic bone, pelvic girdle
proliferative region cell cycle, cell division, proliferation
ciliary marginal zone circumferential germinal zone, CMZ, peripheral growth zone, retinal ciliary marginal zone, retinal proliferative zone
ventricular zone ventricular zones
sphenoid region
splanchnocranium pharyngeal arch skeleton, pharyngeal skeleton
mandibular arch skeleton jaw, jaw cartilage, jaws, oral jaw skeleton, pharyngeal arch 1 skeleton
pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton hyoid bars
pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton branchial arch skeleton, gill arches 1-5 skeleton
basibranchial basibranchials
basibranchial 1
basibranchial 2
basibranchial 3
basibranchial 4
ceratobranchial bone ceratobranchial bones
ceratobranchial 1 bone
ceratobranchial 2 bone
ceratobranchial 3 bone
ceratobranchial 4 bone
ceratobranchial 5 bone
ceratobranchial 5 tooth pharyngeal tooth, teeth, tooth
cementocyte cementocytes
dentine dentin
enameloid enamel
tooth 1D
tooth 1MD
tooth 1V
tooth 2D
tooth 2MD
tooth 2V
tooth 3MD
tooth 3V
tooth 4MD
tooth 4V
tooth 5V
tooth pulp
odontoblast odontoblasts
odontocyte odontocytes
ceratobranchial cartilage ceratobranchial cartilages
ceratobranchial 5 cartilage
copula copulae
copula 1 anterior copula
epibranchial bone epibranchial bones
epibranchial 1 bone
epibranchial 2 bone
epibranchial 3 bone infrapharyngobranchial 3
epibranchial 4 bone
epibranchial uncinate process epibranchial uncinate processes
epibranchial cartilage epibranchial cartilages
epibranchial 5 interbranchial IV
gill raker gill rakers
hypobranchial bone hypobranchial bones
hypobranchial 1 bone hypobranchial 1 bones
hypobranchial 2 bone hypobranchial 2 bones
hypobranchial 3 bone hypobranchial 3 bones
hypobranchial 4 bone hypobranchial 4 bones
hypobranchial cartilage hypobranchial cartilages
hypobranchial 1 cartilage hypobranchial 1 cartilages
hypobranchial 2 cartilage hypobranchial 2 cartilages
hypobranchial 3 cartilage hypobranchial 3 cartilages
hypobranchial 4 cartilage hypobranchial 4 cartilages
pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton branchial arch 1 skeleton, gill arch 1 skeleton, visceral arch 3 skeleton
pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton branchial arch 2 skeleton, gill arch 2 skeleton, visceral arch 4 skeleton
pharyngobranchial 2 bone infrapharyngobranchial 2
pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton branchial arch 3 skeleton, gill arch 3 skeleton, visceral arch 5 skeleton
pharyngobranchial 3 bone pharyngobranchial 3 bones
pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton branchial arch 4 skeleton, gill arch 4 skeleton, visceral arch 6 skeleton
pharyngobranchial 4 cartilage infrapharyngobranchial 4 cartilage, infrapharyngobranchials
pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton branchial arch 5 skeleton, gill arch 5 skeleton, visceral arch 7 skeleton
pharyngobranchial bone infrapharyngobranchial, pharyngobranchials
pharyngeal arch cartilage pharyngeal arch cartilages, splanchnocranium cartilage
articular cartilage articular cartilages
basihyal cartilage basihyal
basihyal bone basihyal, basihyoid, glossohyal
ceratohyal cartilage
ceratohyal bone anterior ceratohyal, ceratohyal anterior, rostral ceratohyal
epihyal caudal ceratohyal, posterior ceratohyal
hypohyal bone hypohyals
dorsal hypohyal bone dorsal hypohyals
ventral hypohyal bone lower hypohyal, ventrohyal
gill ray
interhyal cartilage interhyal bone, stylohyal
Meckel's cartilage ventral mandibular cartilage
retroarticular retroarticulars
pharyngobranchial cartilage pharyngobranchial cartilages
suspensorium hyopalatine, suspensoria
tooth row tooth rows
dorsal tooth row dorsal tooth rows
mediodorsal tooth row mediodorsal tooth rows
ventral tooth row ventral tooth rows
ventral hyoid arch ventral visceral arch 2
ventral mandibular arch lower jaw, mandible, mandibular series
Weberian apparatus
Weberian ossicle Weberian ossicles
claustrum bone
claustrum cartilage
intercalarium articulating process articular process
intercalarium ascending process
manubrium anterior branch of the intercalarium, anterior process of the intercalarium, horizontal process, manubrium incudus
os suspensorium
os suspensorium medial flange
Weberian vertebra Weberian vertebrae
vertebra 1 cervical vertebra 1
parapophysis 1 basipophysis 1, lateral process 1
vertebra 2 cervical vertebra 2
parapophysis 2 basipophysis, lateral process 2
vertebra 3
neural arch 3
vertebra 4
neural arch 4
anatomical system anatomical systems
cardiovascular system
lymphatic system
lymph vasculature lymph vessel, lymph vessels
axial lymph vessel
caudal fin lymph vessel
cranial lymph vessel
dorsal longitudinal lymphatic vessel dllv
facial lymphatic vessel FL
intersegmental lymph vessel islv
jugular lymphatic vessel JL, JLV
longitudinal lateral lymphatic vessel LLL
lymph vessel endothelium
lymphatic capillary
pectoral lymphatic vessel PL
thoracic duct
pericardium pericardial sac
axial vasculature
axial blood vessel
caudal artery CA
caudal vein CV
dorsal aorta DA, dorsal aortic root
ventral wall of dorsal aorta AGM, aorta gonad mesonephros region, DA roof, DA-PCV joint, dorsal aorta - posterior cardinal vein joint, DP joint
posterior cardinal vein axial vein, caudal cardinal veins, PCV, postcardinal vein
blood vasculature blood vessel
artery arterial system
afferent branchial artery ABA
afferent filamental artery AFA, afferent filamental arteries
afferent lamellar arteriole afferent lamellar arterioles, AFL
aortic arch aortic arches, branchial aortic arches
aortic arch 3 AA3
aortic arch 4 AA4
aortic arch 5 AA5
carotid artery
celiacomesenteric artery coeliac-mesenteric artery
central ray artery central ray arteries
concurrent branch afferent branchial artery CCB
efferent branchial artery EBA
efferent filamental artery EFA
efferent lamellar arteriole efferent lamellar arterioles, ELA
filamental artery filamental arteries
hepatic artery
hyaloid artery hyaloid arteries
inner optic circle IOC
internal carotid artery cranial carotid artery, ICA
nasal artery NA
opercular artery external carotid artery, ORA
optic artery optic arteries
pectoral artery PA, subclavian artery
posterior communicating artery caudal communicating segment, PCA, PCS, posterior communicating segment of the basilar artery
recurrent branch afferent branchial artery RCB, recurrent branch afferent branchial arteries
renal artery renal arteries
segmental intercostal artery segmental intercostal arteries
spinal artery spinal arteries
swim bladder artery SBA
ventral aorta
cardinal system
anterior cardinal vein ACV, rostral cardinal vein
common cardinal vein duct of Cuvier
vein venous system
central vein
hepatic portal vein HPV, primary hepatic portal vein
hepatic vein hepatic veins
hyaloid vein hyaloid veins
median axial vein
nasal vein NV
optic vein OV
pectoral vein PV
ray vein ray veins
renal portal vein renal portal veins
trans-choroid plexus branch TCB
cranial vasculature head vasculature
brain vasculature
choroid plexus
choroid plexus epithelial cell choroid plexus epithelial cells
choroid plexus fourth ventricle
choroid plexus tectal ventricle choroid plexus tectal ventricles
choroid plexus telencephalic ventricle
choroid plexus third ventricle diencephalic choroid plexus
choroid plexus vascular circuit choroid vascular circuit, CVC
cranial blood vessel
ocular blood vessel eye vasculature, ocular vasculature, optic vasculature
hyaloid vessel hyaloid vasculature, hyaloid vessels
optic choroid vascular plexus choroid vasculature, CVP
pharyngeal vasculature branchial basket, branchial vasculature
fin vasculature
caudal fin vasculature
caudal fin blood vessel
fin blood vessel
interray vessel interray vessels
intervessel commissure intervessel comisures
pectoral fin blood vessel
fin lymph vessel
pectoral fin lymph vessel
pectoral fin vasculature
microcirculatory vessel vasculature
post-vent vasculature tail vasculature
trunk vasculature
hepatic sinusoid hepatic sinusoids
vascular endothelium endothelia
blood vessel endothelium
blood vessel endothelial cell blood vessel endothelial cells
endothelial tip cell endothelial tip cells
continuous blood vessel endothelium
fenestrated blood vessel endothelium
sinusoidal blood vessel endothelium
digestive system
D cell D cells
digestive enzyme secreting cell digestive enzyme secreting cells
digestive system duct
bile ductule
common bile duct
cystic duct
extrahepatic duct
extrapancreatic duct
hepatic duct
intrahepatic bile duct
pancreatic duct
gut alimentary canal, enteric tract, gut tube
cloacal chamber cloaca lumen
enteric musculature gut musculature, tunica muscularis
enteric circular muscle
enteric longitudinal muscle
enteric nervous system
esophagus oesophagus
esophageal epithelium
pneumatic duct
gut absorptive cell gut absorptive cells
gut endothelial cell gut endothelial cells
gut epithelium
intestinal epithelium intestine epithelium, villous epithelium
enterocyte enterocytes
goblet cell chalice cell
intervillus pockets intestinal crypt
intestinal bulb epithelium
intestinal villus intestinal villi
mid intestine epithelium
posterior intestine epithelium
intestinal bulb anterior intestine, foregut, pseudogaster
intestinal mucosal muscle intestinal lamina muscularis mucosae
mid intestine
posterior intestine
proctodeum anus
hepatopancreatic ampulla ampulla of Vater, papilla duodeni major, papilla Vateri
hepatocyte hepatocytes
left liver lobe 1st lobe, first lobe
right liver lobe 2nd lobe, gall bladder lobe, second lobe
ventral liver lobe 3rd lobe, third lobe
lip lips
lip epithelium
lower lip
upper lip
pancreatic system
pancreatic A cell alpha cell
pancreatic B cell beta cell
pharyngeal epithelium
endocrine system
endocrine cell endocrine cells
biogenic amine secreting cell biogenic amine secreting cells
epinephrin secreting cell epinephrin secreting cells
norepinephrine secreting cell noradrenergic cell, norepinephrin secreting cells
serotonin secreting cell serotin secreting cells
enteroendocrine cell enteroendocrine cells
folliculostellate cell folliculostellate cells
neuroendocrine cell neurosecretory cell
chromaffin cell phaeochromocyte
peptide hormone secreting cell peptide hormone secreting cells
adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell adrenocorticotrophic hormone secreting cell, corticotrope, corticotroph, corticotrophin hormone secreting cell, corticotropin hormone secreting cell
calcitonin secreting cell calcitonin secreting cells
endorphin secreting cell endorphin secreting cells
enkephalin secreting cell enkephalin secreting cells
follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell delta basophil, gonadotrope, gonadotroph
glucagon secreting cell glucagon secreting cells
insulin secreting cell insulin secreting cells
luteinizing hormone secreting cell delta basophila, gonadotrope, gonadotroph
melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell melanotrope, melanotroph
parathyroid hormone secreting cell chief cell
prolactin secreting cell epsilon-acidophil, lactotrope, lactotroph, lactotropic cell, mammotrope, mammotroph, mammotrophic cell, mammotropic cell
somatostatin secreting cell somatostatin secreting cells
somatotropin secreting cell growth hormone secreting cell, somatotrope, somatotroph, somatotrophin secreting cell, somatotropic cell, somatrophic cell
substance P secreting cell substance P secreting cells
thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell beta-basophil, thyrotrope, thyrotroph
pinealocyte pinealocytes
steroid hormone secreting cell steroid hormone secreting cells
androgen secreting cell androgen secreting cells
theca cell theca cells
estradiol secreting cell estradiol secreting cells
glucocorticoid secreting cell glucocorticoid secreting cells
granulosa cell granulosa cells
progesterone secreting cell progesterone secreting cells
testosterone secreting cell testosterone secreting cells
Leydig cell interstitial cell
thyroid hormone secreting cell thyroid hormone secreting cells
epiphysis corpus pineale, pineal gland, pineal organ
hypophysis pituitary
adenohypophysis anterior hypophysis, anterior pituitary
pars anterior pars distalis
pars intermedia
neurohypophysis posterior pituitary
infundibulum hypophysial stalk, infundibulum of hypothalamus, pituitary stalk
thyroid follicle thyroid follicles
ultimobranchial body ultimobranchial bodies
hematopoietic system
blood cell blood cells
reticulocyte reticulocytes
thrombocyte thrombocytes
hematopoietic stem cell colony forming unit hematopoietic, hematopoietic progenitor cell, hemopoietic progenitor cell, hemopoietic stem cell, HSC
common lymphoid progenitor CLP, committed lymphopoietic stem cell, early lymphocyte progenitor, ELP, lymphoid stem cell, lymphopoietic stem cell
lymphocyte lymphocytes
B cell B lymphocyte, B-cell, B-lymphocyte
mature B cell mature B lymphocyte, mature B-cell, mature B-lymphocyte
memory B cell memory B lymphocyte, memory B-cell, memory B-lymphocyte
naive B cell naive B lymphocyte, naive B-cell, naive B-lymphocyte
precursor B cell pre-B lymphocyte
immature B cell immature B lymphocyte, immature B-cell, immature B-lymphocyte, newly formed B Cell
transitional stage B cell T1 B cell, T2 B cell, T3 B cell, transitional stage B lymphocyte, transitional stage B-cell, transitional stage B-lymphocyte
natural killer cell large granular lymphocyte, NK cell, null cell
immature natural killer cell immature NK cell, p-NK
mature natural killer cell LAK cell, lymphokine activated killer cell, mature NK cell
plasma cell plasmacyte
T cell immature T cell, immature T lymphocyte, immature T-cell, immature T-lymphocyte, mature T cell, mature T lymphocyte, mature T-cell, mature T-lymphocyte, T lymphocyte, T-cell, T-lymphocyte
alpha-beta T cell alpha-beta T lymphocyte, alpha-beta T-cell, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte
gamma-delta T cell gamma-delta T lymphocyte, gamma-delta T-cell, gamma-delta T-lymphocyte
immature gamma-delta T cell immature gamma-delta T lymphocyte, immature gamma-delta T-cell, immature gamma-delta T-lymphocyte
mature gamma-delta T cell mature gamma-delta T lymphocyte, mature gamma-delta T-cell, mature gamma-delta T-lymphocyte
gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell gamma-delta intraepithelial T lymphocyte, gamma-delta intraepithelial T-cell, gamma-delta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte, IEL, intraepithelial lymphocyte
memory T cell memory T lymphocyte, memory T-cell, memory T-lymphocyte
pro-B cell pro-B lymphocyte, pro-B-cell, pro-B-lymphocyte, progenitor B cell
pro-NK cell natural killer cell progenitor, NKP, null cell, preNK cell, pro-natural killer cell
pro-T cell DN1 cell, DN1 thymocyte, pro-T lymphocyte, TN1 cell
common myeloid progenitor CMP, colony forming unit granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte, multipotential myeloid stem cell, myeloid stem cell, pluripotent stem cell (bone marrow)
granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell CFU-C , Colony forming unit in culture, colony forming unit granulocyte macrophage, GMP, granulocyte-macrophage progenitor
monoblast CFU-M, colony forming unit macrophage, monocyte stem cell
promonocyte promonocytes
monocyte monocytes
macrophage histiocyte
microglial cell microglia
peritoneal macrophage peritoneal macrophages
osteoclast chondroclast
mononuclear osteoclast mononuclear osteoclasts
mononuclear odontoclast mononuclear odontoclasts
odontoclast odontoclasts
myeloblast myeloblasts
neutrophilic myeloblast neutrophilic granuloblast
neutrophilic promyelocyte neutrophilic premyelocyte, neutrophilic progranulocyte, promyelocyte
immature neutrophil immature neutrocyte, immature neutrophil leucocyte, immature neutrophil leukocyte, immature neutrophilic leucocyte
band form neutrophil band, band cell, band form, rod neutrophil, stab cell
mature neutrophil mature neutrocyte, mature neutrophil leucocyte, mature neutrophil leukocyte, mature neutrophilic leucocyte, mature neutrophilic leukocyte, PMN, poly, polymorphonuclear leucocyte, polymorphonuclear leukocyte, polymorphonuclear neutrophil, polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte, polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte
neutrophilic metamyelocyte juvenile neutrophil
neutrophilic myelocyte neutrophilic myelocytes
neutrophil progenitor cell neutrophil stem cell
megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell colony forming unit erythroid megakaryocyte, MEP
erythroid progenitor cell BFU-E, blast forming unit erythroid, burst forming unit erythroid, CFU-E, colony forming unit erythroid, erythroid stem cell
thromboblast thromboblasts
myeloid cell myeloid cells
erythroid lineage cell erythroid lineage cells
erythroblast normoblast
basophilic erythroblast basophilic normoblast, early erythroblast, early normoblast, prorubricyte
polychromatophilic erythroblast intermediate erythroblast, intermediate normoblast, polychromatic erythroblast, polychromatic normoblast, polychromatophilic normoblast, rubricyte
myeloid leukocyte myeloid leukocytes
granulocyte granulocytes
neutrophil neutrocyte, neutrophil leucocyte, neutrophil leukocyte, neutrophilic leucocyte, neutrophilic leukocyte, PMN, polymorphonuclear leucocyte, polymorphonuclear leukocyte, polymorphonuclear neutrophil, polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte, polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte
hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell hemopoietic progenitor cell
lymphoid progenitor cell lymphoid progenitor cells
myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell myeloid progenitor cell, myeloid progenitor cells
leukocyte immune cell, leucocyte, white blood cell
mononuclear cell mononuclear cells
mononuclear phagocyte mononuclear phagocytes
professional antigen presenting cell APC
dendritic cell interdigitating cell, veiled cell
immune system
mucus secreting cell mucous cell
liver and biliary system
musculature system
cephalic musculature head muscles
extraocular musculature ocular musculature
dorsal oblique extraocular muscle dorsal oblique extraocular muscles, superior oblique muscle
dorsal rectus dorsal recti, superior rectus
lateral rectus lateral recti, posterior rectus
medial rectus medial recti
ventral oblique extraocular muscle inferior oblique muscle, ventral oblique extraocular muscles
ventral rectus inferior rectus, ventral recti
head muscle cephalic muscle, cranial muscle
branchial muscle branchial muscles
branchial adductor adductors
caudal levator caudal levators
caudal oblique caudal obliques
dorsal oblique branchial muscle dorsal oblique branchial muscles
dorsal retractor dorsal retractors
dorsal transverse
esophageal sphincter oesophagial sphincter
external levatores external levators
external pharyngoclavicularis external pharyngoclavicularae
internal levator internal levators
internal pharyngoclavicularis internal pharyngoclavicularae
ventral oblique branchial muscle ventral oblique branchial muscles
ventral transverse transverse ventralis, transversus ventralis
hyoid muscle hyoid muscles
abductor hyohyoid abductors hyohyoid, hyohyoideus abductor
adductor arcus palatini adductors arcus palatini
adductor hyohyoid adductors hyohyoid, hyohyoidei adductores
adductor operculi adductor opercula, adductor operculae
adductor hyomandibulae dorsal adductor hyomandibulae, dorsal adductors hyomandibulae
hyohyoideus hyohyal
inferior hyohyoid hyohyoideus inferior, inferior hyohyoids
levator operculi levator operculae
protractor hyoidei protractor hyoideus, protractors hyoidei
interhyoideus interhyal, ventral interhyoidei, ventral interhyoideus
sternohyoid hypobranchial muscle, sternohyoideus, sternohyoids
mandibular muscle mandibular muscles
constrictor dorsalis constrictors dorsalis
dilatator operculi dilatator opercula, dilator opercula, dilators operculi
intermandibularis intermandibular muscle
ventral intermandibularis anterior intermandibularis anterior, ventral intermandibulari anterior
ventral intermandibularis posterior intermandibularis posterior, ventral intermandibulari posterior
levator arcus palatini levators arcus palatini
sternohyoid sternohyoids
pharyngeal musculature
fin musculature
anal fin musculature
anal depressor anal depressors, depressores anales
anal erector anal erectors, erectores anales
anal inclinator anal inclinators, inclinatores anales
caudal fin musculature
inferior caudal dorsal flexor CDI, dorsal flexor, dorsal flexors, flexor caudalis dorsalis inferioris
external lateral ventral muscle external ventral flexor, lateralis superficialis ventralis, LSV
hypural muscle hypural muscles
inferior caudal ventral flexor CVI, flexor caudalis ventralis inferioris, inferior ventral flexor
interradialis caudalis IC, interradiali, interradialis
longitudinal hypochordal hypochordal longitudinalis
superior caudal dorsal flexor CDS, flexor caudalis dorsalis superioris, superior dorsal flexor
superior caudal ventral flexor CVS, flexor caudalis ventralis superioris, ventral flexor
dorsal fin musculature
dorsal depressor depressor dorsalis, dorsal depressors
dorsal erector dorsal erectors, erector dorsalis
dorsal inclinator dorsal inclinators, inclinator dorsalis
pectoral fin musculature pectoral fin muscle
abductor profundus abductors profundus
adductor profundus adductors profundus
superficial abductor abductor superficialis, superficial abductors
superficial adductor adductor superficialis, superficial adductors
ventral arrector arrector ventralis, ventral arrectors
pelvic fin musculature
dorsal pelvic arrector arrector dorsalis pelvicus, dorsal pelvic arrectors
pelvic abductor profundus abductor profundus pelvicus, pelvic abductors profundus
pelvic adductor profundus adductor profundus pelvicus, pelvic adductors profundus
superficial pelvic abductor abductor superficialis pelvicus, superficial pelvic abductors
superficial pelvic adductor adductor superficialis pelvicus, superficial pelvic adductors
ventral pelvic arrector ventral pelvic arrectors
muscle muscles
cardiac muscle
muscle cell myocyte, myofiber
skeletal muscle cell skeletal muscle fiber, striated muscle cell
fast muscle cell fast muscle fiber, white muscle cell
slow muscle cell red muscle cell, slow muscle fiber
smooth muscle cell non-striated muscle cell
vascular associated smooth muscle cell vascular associated smooth muscle cells
myotome myomeres
pericardial muscle
skeletal muscle
abductor muscle
adductor muscle
adductor mandibulae complex
arrector muscle
dorsal arrector arrector dorsalis, dorsal arrectors
depressor muscle
erector muscle
flexor muscle
inclinator muscle
smooth muscle
vascular smooth muscle
superficial lateralis lateral superficial muscle, lateralis superficialis
trunk musculature body musculature
abdominal musculature
nervous system
autonomic nervous system ANS
autonomic neuron autonomic neurons
adrenergic neuron adrenergic neurons
cholinergic neuron cholinergic neurons
dopaminergic neuron dopaminergic neurons
GABAergic neuron GABAergic neurons
glutamatergic neuron glutamatergic neurons
nitrergic neuron nitrergic neurons
peptidergic neuron peptidergic neurons
parasympathetic nervous system
sympathetic nervous system
superior cervical ganglion SCG, superior sympathetic cervical ganglion
sympathetic chain ganglion paravertebral ganglion
central nervous system cns
brain brain structure
forebrain prosencephalon
caudal tuberculum posterior tubercle, posterior tuberculum
caudal thalamic nucleus posterior thalamic nucleus
caudal tuberal nucleus posterior tuberal nucleus
corpus mamillare mammillary body
intermediate nucleus
nucleus subglomerulosis
paraventricular organ PVO
periventricular nucleus of caudal tuberculum periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum
preglomerular nucleus
caudal preglomerular nucleus nucleus praeglomerulosus caudalis
lateral preglomerular nucleus lateral preglomerular nuclei
medial preglomerular nucleus medial preglomerular nuclei
rostral preglomerular nucleus anterior preglomerular nucleus, nucleus praeglomerulosus anterior
tertiary gustatory nucleus
torus lateralis lateral torus
diencephalic nucleus
accessory pretectal nucleus APN, nucleus praetectalis accessorius
caudal periventricular hypothalamus caudal zone of periventricular hypothalamus, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, zona caudalis
caudal pretectal nucleus caudal pretectal nuclei, posterior pretectal nucleus
central caudal thalamic nucleus central posterior thalamic nucleus, nucleus centralis posterior thalami
central nucleus inferior lobe central nucleus inferior lobes, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, nucleus centralis lobi inferioris hypothalami
central pretectal nucleus nucleus praetectalis centralis
diffuse nucleus inferior lobe diffuse nuclei, DIL
dorsal accessory optic nucleus nucleus opticus accessorius dorsalis
dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus dorsal posterior thalamic nucleus, nucleus dorsalis posterior thalami
lateral hypothalamic nucleus arcuate nucleus, lateral hypothalamic nuclei, lateral tuberal nucleus
magnocellular preoptic nucleus magnocellular preoptic nuclei
gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis, pars gigantocellularis
magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus magnocellular superficial pretectal nuclei
nucleus of the lateral recess
nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus synencephalon
nucleus of the posterior recess
nucleus of the tract of the postoptic commissure ntPOC
paracommissural nucleus
parvocellular preoptic nucleus
caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus caudal parvocellular preoptic nuclei, posterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus
rostral parvocellular preoptic nucleus anterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus, rostral parvocellular preoptic nuclei
parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus parvocellular superficial pretectal nuclei
periventricular nucleus periventricular nuclei, ventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus
pretectal periventricular nucleus periventricular pretectum, pretectal periventricular nuclei
rostral thalamic nucleus anterior thalamic nucleus, nucleus anterior thalami
rostral tuberal nucleus anterior tuberal nucleus, nucleus tuberis anterior
subcommissural organ SCO
suprachiasmatic nucleus
ventral accessory optic nucleus
diencephalic white matter diencephalic tract/commissure
caudal commissure PC, posterior commissure
tract of the caudal commissure TPC, tract of the posterior commissure
commissure of the caudal tuberculum commissura tuberculi posterioris, commissure of the posterior tuberculum, CPT, Ctub
cranial nerve II CN-II, optic, optic nerve
optic nerve head optic nerve heads
fasciculus retroflexus fasciculus retroflexi, habenulo-interpeduncular tract, habenulointerpeduncular tract, tractus habenulo-interpeduncularis
habenular commissure commissura habenularum
horizontal commissure
lateral forebrain bundle diencephalon lateral forebrain bundles diencephalon
medial forebrain bundle diencephalon medial forebrain bundles diencephalon
optic chiasm chiasma opticum, optic commissure
optic tract optic tracts, tractus opticus
dorsomedial optic tract tractus opticus dorsomedialis
ventrolateral optic tract ventrolateral optic tracts
postoptic commissure POC, post optic commissure, post-optic commissure
tract of the postoptic commissure TPOC
pretecto-mammillary tract pretecto mammillary tract, pretecto-mamillary tract, pretectomamillary tract, TPp
supraoptic commissure
habenula habenulae, habenular nucleus
dorsal habenular nucleus dorsal habenular nuclei, dorsal nuclei
ventral habenular nucleus
saccus dorsalis
dorsal hypothalamic zone
dorsal periventricular hypothalamus
inferior lobe inferior lobe of hypothalamus, inferior lobes, lateral lobe of hypothalamus, lobus inferior hypothalami
median tuberal portion
caudal hypothalamic zone hypothalamus pars tuberalis, tuberal hypothalamus
ventral hypothalamic zone
optic stalk optic stalks
preoptic area area praeoptica, area preoptica, preoptic region
central pretectum
superficial pretectum
thalamus thalami
dorsal thalamus thalamus, thalamus, pars dorsalis
ventral thalamus prethalamus
intermediate thalamic nucleus intermediate thalamic nuclei
rostrolateral thalamic nucleus of Butler & Saidel
ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
ventromedial thalamic nucleus
zona limitans intrathalamica zli
third ventricle 3rd ventricle, diencephalic ventricle, diencephalic vesicle, ventriculus diencephali
lateral recess lateral recess of diencephalic ventricle, lateral recesses, recessus lateralis
posterior recess posterior recess of diencephalic ventricle, recessus posterior
tela chorioidea third ventricle tela choroidea third ventricle
thalamic eminence eminentia thalami
dorsal telencephalon area dorsalis telencephali, dorsal telencephalic area, pallium
caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon area dorsalis telencephali, zona posterior, caudal zone of D, Dp, posterior zone of dorsal telencephalic area
central zone of dorsal telencephalon area dorsalis telencephali, zona centralis, central zone of D, Dc
dorsal zone of dorsal telencephalon area dorsalis telencephali, zona dorsalis, Dd, dorsal zone of D, dorsal zone of dorsal telencephalic area
lateral zone of dorsal telencephalon area dorsalis telencephali, zona lateralis, Dl, lateral zone of D, lateral zone of dorsal telencephalic area
medial zone of dorsal telencephalon area dorsalis telencephali, zona medialis, Dm, medial zone of D, medial zone of dorsal telencephalic area
nucleus taeniae
olfactory bulb bulbus olfactorius, olfactory lobe
external cellular layer stratum cellulare externum bulbi olfactorii
glomerular layer stratum glomerulosum bulbi olfactorii
internal cellular layer stratum cellulare internum bulbi olfactorii
olfactory granule cell
primary olfactory fiber layer olfactory nerve layer, stratum nervosum bulbi olfactorii
optic recess optic recesses
telencephalic nucleus
dorsal entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon ENd, endopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part, entopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part, nucleus entopeduncularis, pars dorsalis
nucleus of the tract of the anterior commissure ntAC
pars subcommissuralis of ventral telencephalon pars subcommissuralis of V
peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon
central nucleus of ventral telencephalon area ventralis telencephali, nucleus centralis
lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon area ventralis telencephali, nucleus lateralis
periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon
dorsal nucleus of ventral telencephalon area ventralis telencephali, nucleus dorsalis, dorsal division of ventral telencephalic area, dorsal nucleus of V, Vd
postcommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon area ventralis telencephali, nucleus postcommissuralis, postcommissural nucleus of V
supracommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon area ventralis telencephali, nucleus supracommissuralis, supracommissural nucleus of V
ventral nucleus of ventral telencephalon area ventralis telencephali, nucleus ventralis, ventral division of ventral telencephalic area, ventral nucleus of V
ventral entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon endopeduncular nucleus, ventral part, entopeduncular nucleus, ventral part, ENv, nucleus entopeduncularis, pars ventralis, ventral entopeduncular nucleus V
telencephalic ventricle lateral ventricle, telencephalic vesicle, ventriculi telencephali
tela chorioidea telencephalic ventricle tela choroidea telencephalic ventricle
telencephalic white matter telencephalic tract/commissure
anterior commissure commissura anterior, commissura rostral, rostral commissure
commissura rostral, pars dorsalis commissura anterior, pars dorsalis
commissura rostral, pars ventralis commissura anterior, pars ventralis
lateral forebrain bundle telencephalon lateral forebrain bundles telencephalon
lateral olfactory tract tractus olfactorius lateralis
medial forebrain bundle telencephalon medial forebrain bundles telencephalon
medial olfactory tract tractus olfactorius medialis
ventral telencephalon area ventralis telencephali, subpallium
telencephalon diencephalon boundary
forebrain midbrain boundary diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary
granule cell granule cells
cerebellar granule cell
hindbrain rhombencephalon
cerebellar white matter cerebellar tracts/commissures
commissura cerebelli cerebellar commissure
commissure of the secondary gustatory nucleus commissura nucleorum gustatoriorum secundariorum, commissure of the secondary gustatory nuclei
cerebellovestibular tract caudal cerebellar tract, caudal cerebellar tracts, cerebellovestibular tracts
corpus cerebelli cerebellar corpus, corpus cerebelli granular layer, corpus cerebellum
climbing fiber climbing fibers
granular layer corpus cerebelli
molecular layer corpus cerebelli
parallel fiber parallel fibers
mossy fiber mossy fibers
Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli
Purkinje cell Purkinje cells
rostral cerebellar tract anterior cerebellar tract, tractus cerebellaris anterior
caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tract posterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract
rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar tract anterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract
valvula cerebelli valvula, valvula cerebellum
eurydendroid cell eurydendroid cells
granular layer valvula cerebelli
lateral valvula cerebelli lateral division, valvula cerebelli, pars lateralis
medial valvula cerebelli medial division, valvula cerebelli, pars medialis
molecular layer valvula cerebelli
Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli
vestibulolateralis lobe
granular eminence EG, eminentia granularis, lateral granular eminence
medial caudal lobe caudal lobe of cerebellum, lobus caudalis cerebelli
fourth ventricle 4th ventricle, hindbrain ventricle, rhombencephalic ventricle, rhombencephalic vesicle, ventricle IV, ventriculus rhombencephali
tela chorioidea fourth ventricle tela choroidea fourth ventricle
hindbrain commissure
hindbrain interneuron
CaD caudal dorsal interneuron
CaV caudal ventral interneuron
MiD2cl middle dorsal 2 contralateral llf interneuron
MiD2cm middle dorsal 2 contralateral mlf interneuron
MiD2i middle dorsal 2 ipsilateral interneuron
MiD3cl middle dorsal 3 contralateral llf interneuron
MiD3cm middle dorsal 3 contralateral mlf interneuron
MiD3i middle dorsal 3 ipsilateral interneuron
MiM1 middle medial interneuron
MiR1 middle rostral 1 interneuron
MiR2 middle rostral 2 interneuron
MiV1 middle ventral 1 neuron
MiV2 middle ventral 2 neuron
RoI2C rostral intermediate 2 caudal interneuron
RoI2R rostral intermediate 2 rostral interneuron
RoL1 rostral lateral 1 interneuron
RoL2 rostral lateral 2 interneuron
RoL2c rostral lateral 2 caudal interneuron
RoL2r rostral lateral 2 rostral interneuron
RoL3 rostral lateral 3 interneuron
RoM1c rostral medial 1 caudal interneuron
RoM1r rostral medial 1 rostral interneuron
RoM2l rostral medial 2 lateral interneuron
RoM2m rostral medial 2 medial interneuron
RoM3l rostral medial 3 lateral interneuron
RoM3m rostral medial 3 medial interneuron
RoV3 rostral ventral 3 interneuron
hindbrain nucleus
abducens motor nucleus abducens motor nuclei, abducens nucleus, motor nucleus VI, nVI
caudal motor nucleus nucleus nervi abducentis, pars caudalis, nVIc
rostral motor nucleus
facial nerve motor nucleus facial motor nucleus, motor nucleus VII, nucleus motorius nervi facialis, nVII
griseum centrale central gray, central grey
lateral line sensory nucleus lateral line sensory nuclei
caudal octavolateralis nucleus nucleus octavolateralis caudalis
decussation of the medial octavolateralis nucleus
medial octavolateralis nucleus intermediate octavolateral nucleus, medial octavolateralis nuclei, MON
cerebellar crest crista cerebellaris molecular layer
medial funicular nucleus medulla oblongata
vagal lobe LX
dorsolateral motor nucleus of vagal nerve dlX
medial motor nucleus of vagal nerve mmX
nucleus isthmi
nucleus lateralis valvulae
nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus medulla oblongata
octaval nerve motor nucleus cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus, octaval nerve motor nuclei, OLe
caudal octaval nerve motor nucleus caudal efferent nuclei, CEN, RELL, rostral cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus
rostral octaval nerve motor nucleus REN, ROLE, rostral cranial nerve VIII motor nucleus, rostral efferent nuclei
octaval nerve sensory nucleus cranial nerve VIII sensory nucleus, octaval nerve sensory nuclei
caudal octaval nucleus caudal octaval nuclei
descending octaval nucleus nucleus octavus descendens
magnocellular octaval nucleus magnocellular octaval nuclei
rostral octaval nucleus anterior octaval nucleus, nucleus octavus anterior
tangential nucleus
medulla oblongata
area postrema
caudal root of abducens nerve radix caudalis nervi abducentis
decussation of medial funicular nucleus
descending trigeminal root radix descendens nervi trigemini
dorsal motor root of V dorsal motor roots of V
facial lobe lobus facialis, LVII, tuberculum impar of Herrick
glossopharyngeal lobe lobus glossopharyngei
inferior olive
interpeduncular nucleus medulla oblongata
lateral longitudinal fasciculus lateral lemniscus, lateral longitudinal fascicle, lateral longitundinal fasciculus, LLF
locus coeruleus loci coeruleus
reticular formation
lateral column lateral columns
lateral reticular nucleus lateral reticular nuclei
medial column medial column of the reticular formation, medial columns
inferior reticular formation
intermediate reticular formation intermediate reticular formations
superior reticular formation medial column
midline column
raphe nucleus median raphe nucleus
inferior raphe nucleus posterior raphe nucleus
superior raphe nucleus anterior raphe nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus
rostral root of abducens nerve
secondary gustatory nucleus medulla oblongata
secondary gustatory tract
sensory root of facial nerve sensory roots of facial nerves
sensory trigeminal nucleus NVs, sensory trigeminal nuclei
isthmic primary nucleus isthmic primary nuclei, isthmic primary sensory trigeminal nucleus
medial funicular nucleus trigeminal nucleus medial funicular nucleus trigeminal nuclei
mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve mesencephalic nuclei of trigeminal nerves
nucleus of the descending root sensory nucleus of the descending trigeminal root
secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nucleus secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nuclei
trigeminal motor nucleus motor nucleus V, nV
dorsal motor nucleus trigeminal nerve
ventral motor nucleus trigeminal nerve
ventral rhombencephalic commissure medulla oblongata
visceromotor column
viscerosensory commissural nucleus of Cajal commissural nucleus of Cajal, nucleus commissuralis Cajal
statoacoustic (VIII) nucleus cochlear nucleus, octaval nucleus, vestibulocochlear nucleus
midbrain mesencephalon
MeL mesencephalon lateral interneuron
MeLc mesencephalon lateral caudal interneuron
MeLm mesencephalon lateral medial interneuron
MeLr mesencephalon lateral rostral interneuron
MeM mesencephalon medial interneuron
MeM1 mesencephalon medial 1 interneuron
midbrain nucleus
central nucleus torus semicircularis central nucleus of semicircular torus, nucleus centralis tori semicircularis
ventrolateral nucleus
optic tectum dorsal midbrain, mesencephalic tectum, tectal lobe, tectum, tectum opticum
central zone of the optic tectum
deep white zone deep white zones
intertectal commissure
periventricular grey zone periventricular gray zone, periventricular grey zones, periventricular layer, PGZ, strata periventriculare, stratum griseum periventricular, stratum periventriculare, SVP
stratum album centrale strata album centrales
stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale SFGS, strata fibrosum et griseum superficiales
stratum griseum centrale
stratum marginale strata marginale, stratum fibrosum marginale
stratum opticum strata opticum
stratum periventriculare strata periventriculare, SVP
superficial grey and white zone superficial gray and white zone, superficial grey and white zones
tectal ventricle cerebral aqueduct, medial tectal ventricle, mesencephalic ventricle, mesencephalic vesicle, midbrain ventricle, ventriculus mesencephali
tela chorioidea tectal ventricle tela choroidea tectal ventricle
tegmentum mesencephalic tegmentum, midbrain tegmentum
cranial nerve III CN-III, occulomotor, oculomotor nerve
cranial nerve IV CN-IV, trochlear, trochlear nerve
dorsal tegmental nucleus DTN, nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis
interpeduncular nucleus tegmentum
lateral lemniscus nucleus lateral lemniscus nuclei
nucleus Edinger-Westphal Edinger-Westphal nucleus
nucleus ruber red nucleus
oculomotor nucleus motor nucleus III, nIII
rostral tegmental nucleus
superior reticular formation tegmentum
trochlear motor nucleus motor nucleus IV, nIV
torus longitudinalis longitudinal torus, tori longitudinalis
torus semicircularis semicircular torus
midbrain hindbrain boundary isthmus, mhb, midbrain-hindbrain boundary
supraoptic tract SOT
anterior catecholaminergic tract
brainstem and spinal white matter brain stem and spinal tract/commissure, brain stem/spinal tracts and commissures
ansulate commissure Cans, commissura ansulata, ventral tegmental commissure
bulbo-spinal tract tractus bulbospinalis
commissure infima of Haller commissura infima Halleri, commissura infima of Haller
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus DLF
medial longitudinal fasciculus MLF
tecto-bulbar tract
crossed tecto-bulbar tract tractus tectobulbaris cruciatus
uncrossed tecto-bulbar tract
ventral rhombencephalic commissure
vestibulo-spinal tract vestibulo-spinal tracts
endohypothalamic tract
lateral forebrain bundle fasciculus lateralis telencephali, lateral forebrain bundles
medial forebrain bundle medial forebrain bundles
medial longitudinal catecholaminergic tract medial longitudinal CA tract, mlct
preopticohypothalamic tract
floor plate floorplate, fp
grey matter gray mater, gray matter
neuromere neural segment, neuromeres
spinal neuromere spinal cord segment, spinal neuromeres
spinal cord medulla spinalis, spinal cord structure
central canal canalis centralis, neural lumen
dorsal funiculus funiculus dorsalis
dorsal horn spinal cord cornu dorsale, dorsal horn
dorsal root radix dorsalis
lateral funiculus lateral funiculi
spinal cord interneuron interneurons spinal cord
bifurcate interneuron
CoB bifurcate commissural interneuron
CoBL commissural bifurcating longitudinal
CiA circumferential ascending interneuron, V1 interneuron
CiD circumferential descending interneuron, commissural descending interneurons, V2a interneuron
CoLA commissural longitudinal ascending interneuron
CoPA primary commissural interneuron
CoSA secondary commissural interneuron
DoLA dorsal longitudinal interneuron
Kolmer-Agduhr neuron dorsal CSF-cN, dorsal CSF-cNs, KA cell, KA interneuron, KA neuron, Kolmer-Agduhr cell
MCoD larval VeLD, multipolar commissural descending interneuron, V0v
UCoD unipolar commissural descending interneuron
VeLD V2b interneuron, ventral longitudinal interneuron
ventral funiculus ventral funiculi
ventral horn spinal cord ventral horns spinal cord
ventral root ventral roots
white matter CNS tract/commissure, CNS white matter, white mater
cranial nerve cranial nerves
anterior lateral line nerve ALLn, nervi lineae lateralis anterioris, rostral lateral line nerve
dorsal anterior lateral line nerve anterodorsal lateral line nerve, dorsal anterior lateral line nerves
ventral anterior lateral line nerve anteroventral lateral line nerve, ventral anterior lateral line nerves
cranial nerve I CN-I, olfactory nerve
cranial nerve IX CN-IX, glossopharyngeal nerve, nervus glossopharyngeus
cranial nerve root
vagal root rX, vagus root
cranial nerve V CN-V, trigeminal nerve
cranial nerve VI abducens nerve, CN-VI, nervus abducens
cranial nerve VII CN-VII, facial nerve, nervus facialis
hyoideomandibular nerve
cranial nerve VIII auditory nerve, CN-VIII, cochleovestibular nerve, octaval nerve, statoacoustic nerve
ampullary nerve ampullary nerves
cranial nerve X CN-X, vagal nerve, vagus nerve
posterior lateral line nerve caudal lateral line nerve
middle lateral line nerve middle lateral line nerves
terminal nerve nervus terminalis
ependymal cell ependymocyte
glial cell neuroglia
glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) glial cells (sensu Vertebrata)
macroglial cell macroglial cells
astrocyte astrocytes
Bergmann glial cell Bergmann glial cells
ependymoglial cell ependymoglial cells
Muller cell Mueller cell, Muller cells
oligodendrocyte oligodendroglia
perineuronal satellite cell perineural satellite cell
myelinating Schwann cell Schwann cells
terminal Schwann cell terminal Schwann cells
afferent neuron input neuron
sensory neuron
extramedullary cell extramedullary cells
CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) CNS neurons (sensu Vertebrata)
basket cell basket cells
Cajal-Retzius cell Cajal-Retzius cells
CNS interneuron CNS interneurons
CNS long range interneuron CNS long range interneurons
CNS short range interneuron CNS short range interneurons
midbrain interneuron
Golgi cell Golgi cells
pyramidal cell pyramidal cells
retinal ganglion cell gangliocyte, RGC
stellate cell stellate cells
efferent neuron output neuron
motor neuron motoneuron
spinal accessory motor neuron SACMN
neurosecretory neuron neurosecretory neurons
interneuron interneurons
amacrine cell amacrine neuron
bipolar neuron bipolar neurons
retinal bipolar neuron
cone retinal bipolar cell cone retinal bipolar cells
OFF-bipolar cell OFF-bipolar cells
ON-bipolar cell ON-bipolar cells
rod bipolar cell rod bipolar cells
horizontal cell horizontal cells
inhibitory interneuron inhibitory interneurons
stellate interneuron stellate interneurons
neuroglioform cell spiderweb cell
multipolar neuron multipolar neurons
peripheral neuron peripheral neurons
polymodal neuron polymodal neurons
pseudounipolar neuron pseudounipolar neurons
receptor cell (sensu Animalia) receptor cells (sensu Animalia)
auditory receptor cell auditory hair cell, auditory receptor cells
chemoreceptor cell chemoreceptor cells
olfactory receptor cell olfactory receptor neuron, olfactory sensory neuron, Schultze's cell
ciliated olfactory receptor neuron ciliated olfactory sensory neuron, ciliated sensory neuron
crypt olfactory receptor neuron crypt cell, crypt olfactory sensory neuron, crypt sensory neuron
microvillous olfactory receptor neuron microvillous olfactory sensory neuron, microvillous sensory neuron
taste receptor cell taste receptor cells
mechanoreceptor cell mechanoreceptor cells
hair cell hair cells
hair cell anterior macula sensory hair cells anterior macula
hair cell posterior macula sensory hair cells posterior macula
pain receptor cell nociceptor, nocireceptor
photoreceptor cell photoreceptor cells
eye photoreceptor cell eye photoreceptor cells
retinal cone cell retinal cone cells
retinal rod cell retinal rod cells
UV sensitive photoreceptor cell UV sensitive photoreceptor cells
visible light photoreceptor cell visible light photoreceptor cells
photopic photoreceptor cell photopic photoreceptor cells
blue sensitive photoreceptor cell blue sensitive photoreceptor cells
green sensitive photoreceptor cell green sensitive photoreceptor cells
red sensitive photoreceptor cell red sensitive photoreceptor cells
stretch receptor cell stretch receptor cells
pressoreceptor cell pressoreceptor cells
thermoreceptor cell thermoreceptor cells
secondary neuron secondary neurons
sensory processing neuron sensory processing neurons
serotonergic neuron 5-HT neuron, 5-hydroxytryptamine neuron, serotinergic neuron, serotinergic neurons
unipolar neuron unipolar neurons
peripheral nervous system pns
ganglion ganglia
cranial ganglion cranial ganglia, presumptive cranial ganglia
epibranchial ganglion epibranchial ganglia
facial ganglion geniculate ganglion, gVII
glossopharyngeal ganglion gIX, petrosal ganglion
vagal ganglion gX
vagal ganglion 1 gX1, nodose ganglion 1
vagal ganglion 2 gX2, nodose ganglion 2
vagal ganglion 3 gX3, nodose ganglion 3
vagal ganglion 4 gX4, nodose ganglion 4
lateral line ganglion lateral line ganglia, llg
anterior lateral line ganglion anterior lateral line ganglia
dorsal anterior lateral line ganglion anterodorsal lateral line ganglion
ventral anterior lateral line ganglion anteroventral lateral line ganglion
middle lateral line ganglion middle lateral line ganglia
posterior lateral line ganglion pLLg, posterior lateral line ganglia
statoacoustic (VIII) ganglion auditory ganglion, gVIII, octaval ganglion, sag, statoacoustic ganglia
trigeminal ganglion 5th ganglion, fifth ganglion, gV, trigeminal ganglia
trunk ganglion trunk ganglia
dorsal root ganglion dorsal root ganglia, DRG
lateral line system ll
anterior lateral line system
anterior lateral line anterior lateral lines
infraorbital lateral line infraorbital line
mandibular lateral line mandibular lateral lines, mandibular line
middle lateral line middle lateral lines
occipital lateral line supratemporal lateral line
opercular lateral line opercular lateral lines
otic lateral line otic lateral lines
supraorbital lateral line supraorbital lateral lines, supraorbital line
head sensory canal system
infraorbital sensory canal
otic sensory canal
post-otic sensory canal postotic sensory canal
preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal
mandibular sensory canal
preopercular sensory canal
supraorbital sensory canal
lateral line lateral lines
dorsal lateral line dorsal lateral lines
posterior lateral line midbody lateral line, midtrunk line, pll
lateral line nerve lateral line nerves
middle lateral line system
posterior lateral line system
sensory canal
sensory canal tubule
supratemporal sensory canal
trunk sensory canal
primitive meninx meninges, meninx primitiva
tela chorioidea tela choroidea
renal system urinary system
mesonephric duct renal duct, Wolffian duct
podocyte podocytes
reproductive system
oviduct oviducts
urogenital papilla anal papilla, anal papillae, genital papilla, UGP, urogenital papillae
respiratory system
gill gills
branchiostegal membrane branchiostegal membranes
gill filament gill filaments
gill ionocyte
gill lamella gill lamellae
pharyngeal arch 3-7 branchial arch, branchial arches, branchial bar, branchial bars, gill arch, gill arches 1-5, visceral arches 3-7
pharyngeal arch 3 branchial arch 1, gill arch 1, visceral arch 3
pharyngeal arch 4 branchial arch 2, gill arch 2, visceral arch 4
pharyngeal arch 5 branchial arch 3, gill arch 3, visceral arch 5
pharyngeal arch 6 branchial arch 4, gill arch 4, visceral arch 6
pharyngeal arch 7 branchial arch 5, gill arch 5, visceral arch 7
sensory system sensory systems
gustatory system
taste bud taste buds
olfactory system
peripheral olfactory organ nasal sac, nose
naris nares, nostril
anterior naris anterior nares, incurrent nostril
posterior naris excurrent nostril, posterior nares
olfactory epithelium nasal epithelium, nasal sensory epithelium
olfactory rosette olfactory rosettes
olfactory support cell support cells
vestibuloauditory system
transverse canal
visual system
eye eyes
annular ligament
ciliary zone ciliary bodies, ciliary body, ciliary epithelial zone
cornea corneas
corneal endothelium
corneal endothelial cell corneal endothelial cells
corneal epithelium
corneal stroma
Descemet's membrane posterior limiting membrane
iris irises
lens lenses
lens epithelium
optic choroid choroid
retina retinas
retinal neural layer neural retina, neuroretina
optic fiber layer nerve fiber layer, optic fiber layers
retinal ganglion cell layer ganglion cell layer
retinal inner nuclear layer inner nuclear layer, intermediate cell layer
retinal inner plexiform layer inner plexiform layer
retinal outer nuclear layer retinal outer nuclear layers
retinal outer plexiform layer retinal outer plexiform layers
retinal photoreceptor layer retinal photoreceptor layers
photoreceptor inner segment layer photoreceptor inner segment layers
photoreceptor outer segment layer photoreceptor outer segment layers
retinal pigmented epithelium pigmented epithelium, pigmented retina, pigmented retinal epithelium, PRE, RPE
visual pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata) visual pigment cells (sensu Vertebrata)
skeletal system
cranium cranial skeleton
cranial cartilage cranial cartilages
paired fin skeleton appendicular skeleton
paired fin cartilage paired fin cartilages
pectoral fin cartilage pectoral fin cartilages
pelvic fin cartilage pelvic fin cartilages
basipterygium cartilage basipterygium cartilages
pelvic radial cartilage pelvic radial cartilages
pelvic radial 1 cartilage pelvic radials 1 cartilages
pelvic radial 1 pelvic radials 1
pelvic radial 2 cartilage pelvic radials 2 cartilages
pelvic radial 2 pelvic radials 2
pelvic radial 3 cartilage pelvic radials 3 cartilages
pelvic radial 3 pelvic radials 3
pectoral fin skeleton
pectoral fin lepidotrichium pectoral fin lepidotrichia, pectoral fin ray
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 1
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 2
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 3
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 4
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 5
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 6
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 7
pectoral fin radial pectoral fin radials
pectoral fin distal radial pectoral fin distal radials
propterygium propterygia
pectoral fin proximal radial
pelvic fin skeleton
pelvic fin lepidotrichium pelvic fin lepidotrichia, pelvic fin ray
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 1
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 2
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 3
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 4
pelvic radial pelvic radials
postcranial axial skeleton axial skeleton
axial fin skeleton median fin skeleton, unpaired fin skeleton
anal fin skeleton
anal fin lepidotrichium anal fin lepidotrichia, anal fin ray
anal fin lepidotrichium 1
anal fin lepidotrichium 2
anal fin lepidotrichium 3
anal fin lepidotrichium 4
anal fin lepidotrichium 5
anal fin lepidotrichium 6
anal fin lepidotrichium 7
branched anal fin ray anal fin branched ray
caudal fin skeleton
caudal fin lepidotrichium caudal fin lepidotrichia, caudal fin ray
branched caudal fin ray
caudal fin principal ray caudal principal lepidotrichium, caudal principal ray
caudal fin principal ray 1 caudal principal lepidotrichium 1, caudal principal ray 1
caudal fin principal ray 2 caudal principal lepidotrichium 2, caudal principal ray 2
caudal fin principal ray 3 caudal principal lepidotrichium 3, caudal principal ray 3
caudal fin principal ray 4 caudal principal lepidotrichium 4, caudal principal ray 4
caudal fin principal ray 5 caudal principal lepidotrichium 5, caudal principal ray 5
caudal fin principal ray 6 caudal principal lepidotrichium 6, caudal principal ray 6
caudal fin principal ray 7 caudal principal lepidotrichium 7, caudal principal ray 7
caudal fin principal ray 8 caudal principal lepidotrichium 8, caudal principal ray 8
caudal fin principal ray 9 caudal principal lepidotrichium 9, caudal principal ray 9
caudal fin principal ray 10 caudal principal lepidotrichium 10, caudal principal ray 10
caudal fin principal ray 11 caudal principal lepidotrichium 11, caudal principal ray 11
caudal fin principal ray 12 caudal principal lepidotrichium 12, caudal principal ray 12
caudal fin principal ray 14 caudal principal lepidotrichium 14, caudal principal ray 14
caudal fin principal ray 15 caudal principal lepidotrichium 15, caudal principal ray 15
caudal fin principal ray 16 caudal principal lepidotrichium 16, caudal principal ray 16
caudal fin principal ray 17 caudal principal lepidotrichium 17, caudal principal ray 17
caudal fin principal ray 18 caudal principal lepidotrichium 18, caudal principal ray 18
caudal fin principal ray 19 caudal principal lepidotrichium 19, caudal principal ray 19
caudal fin procurrent ray caudal procurrent lepidotrichium, caudal procurrent ray
caudal fin dorsal procurrent ray dorsal procurrent caudal-fin ray
caudal fin ventral procurrent ray ventral procurrent ray
preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1 urostyle
preural vertebra caudal fin vertebra, specialized centra/vertebrae
preural 1 vertebra penultimate vertebra, preural centrum 1, pu1, second last vertebra
parhypural parhyural, phy
hypurapophysis hypurapophyses, parhypurapophysis, parhypurapophysis process
preural 2 vertebra antepenultimate vertebra, preural centrum 2, pu2, third last vertebra
specialized hemal arch and spine ha(pu), hemal arch (preural), specialized haemal arch and spine, specialized hemal arches and spines
hypural hyp, hypuralia, hypurals
hypural 1
hypural 2
hypural 3
hypural 4
hypural 5
ural vertebra 2
ural centrum 2
uroneural uroneurals
urostyle compound centrum, last vertebra, ultimate vertebra
rudimentary neural arch
dorsal fin skeleton
dorsal fin lepidotrichium dorsal fin lepidotrichia, dorsal fin ray
branched dorsal fin ray
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 1 dorsal fin ray 1
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 2 dorsal fin ray 2
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 3 dorsal fin ray 3
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 4 dorsal fin ray 4
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 5 dorsal fin ray 5
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 6 dorsal fin ray 6
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 7 dorsal fin ray 7
intermuscular bone intermuscular bones
epineural epineurals
epipleural epipleurals
postcranial axial cartilage postcranial axial cartilages
basiventral arcualia
hemal arch haemal arch, ventral arcocentrum
hemal postzygapophysis haemal postzygapophysis, hemal postzygapophyses, hemal postzygopophysis
hemal prezygapophysis haemal prezygapophysis, hemal prezygopophysis
hemal spine haemal spine
parapophysis lateral process of basiventral, parapophyses, transverse process
median fin cartilage median fin cartilages
supradorsal supradorsals
supraneural sn
post-Weberian supraneural post-Weberian supraneurals
supraneural 5 sn5
supraneural 6 sn6
supraneural 7
supraneural 8
supraneural 9
vertebral column
vertebra vertebrae
caudal vertebra caudal vertebrae, mid caudal vertebra
centrum autocentrum
neural arch dorsal arcocentrum
neural postzygapophysis neural postzygapophyses, neural postzygopophysis
neural prezygapophysis neural prezygapophyses, neural prezygopophyses
neural spine neural spines
neural spine 4
precaudal vertebra abdominal vertebra, precaudal vertebrae, trunk vertebra
non-Weberian precaudal vertebra non-Weberian precaudal vertebrae
rib dorsal rib, pleural rib
rib of vertebra 1
rib of vertebra 2
rib of vertebra 3
rib of vertebra 4
rib of vertebra 5
rib of vertebra 6
vertebra 5
vertebra 6
vertebra 7
vertebra 8
vertebra 9
vertebra 10
vertebra 11
vertebra 12
ventricular system
pineal complex
epiphyseal stalk pineal stalk
parapineal organ
cell cells
absorptive cell absorptive cells
acid secreting cell acid secreting cells
acinar cell acinar cells
adrenal medulla cell chromafin cell
alkali secreting cell alkali secreting cells
ameloblast ameloblasts
amelocyte amelocytes
auditory epithelial support cell auditory support cell
barrier cell barrier cells
insulating cell insulating cells
lining cell boundary cell
endothelial cell endothelial cells
mesothelial cell mesothelial cells
barrier epithelial cell barrier epithelial cells
cardiac mesenchymal cell cardiac mesenchymal cells
cementoblast cementoblasts
choroidal cell of the eye choroidal cells
ciliated cell ciliated cells
ciliated epithelial cell ciliated epithelial cells
multi-ciliated epithelial cell multiciliated epithelial cell
single ciliated epithelial cell single-ciliated epithelial cell
circulating cell circulating cells
dental papilla cell dental papilla cells
early embryonic cell early embryonic cells
electrically active cell electrically active cells
electrically responsive cell electrically responsive cells
electrically signaling cell electrically signaling cells
epithelial cell epithelial cells
columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell columnar/cuboidal epithelial cells
brush border epithelial cell brush border epithelial cells
cerebrospinal fluid secreting cell cerebrospinal fluid secreting cells
myoepithelial cell myoepithelial cells
pigmented epithelial cell pigmented epithelial cells
sensory epithelial cell sensory epithelial cells
simple columnar epithelial cell simple columnar epithelial cells
fenestrated cell window cell
integument ionocyte extrabranchial ionocyte, skin ionocyte
NaK ionocyte NaK-MRC, NaR cell
vH ionocyte HR cell, VH-MRC
M cell M cells
squamous epithelial cell squamous epithelial cells
corneal epithelial cell corneal epithelial cells
epidermal cell epidermal cells
hypodermal cell hypodermal cells
peridermal cell peridermal cells
stratified cuboidal epithelial cell stratified cuboidal epithelial cells
stratified epithelial cell stratified epithelial cells
stratified squamous epithelial cell stratified squamous epithelial cells
transitional epithelial cell transitional epithelial cells
urothelial cell urothelial cells
epithelial cell of pancreas epithelial cells of pancreas
exocrine cell exocrine cells
extraembryonic cell extraembryonic cells
fat cell adipocyte, lipocyte, lipocytes
fibroblast fibroblasts
perijunctional fibroblast perijunctional fibroblasts
regeneration fibroblast blastemal fibroblast, blastemal fibroblasts
reticular cell reticular cells
germ line cell germ line cells
hatching gland cell hatching gland cells
keratin accumulating cell keratin accumulating cells
keratinocyte keratinocytes
ligament cell ligament cells
Merkel cell Merkel cells
mesangial cell mesangial cells
mesenchymal cell mesenchymal cells
angioblastic mesenchymal cell angioblast
nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cell nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cells
mesenchyme condensation cell mesenchyme condensation cells
osteoprogenitor cell osteoprogenitor cells
motile cell motile cells
phagocyte phagocytes
myelin accumulating cell myelin accumulating cells
neurectodermal cell neurectoderm cell
neuronal stem cell neuronal stem cells
neuroblast neuroblasts
neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)
neuroepithelial cell neuroepithelial cells
neuron neural crest derived
neuroplacodal cell neuroplacodal cells
nucleate erythrocyte RBC, red blood cell
olfactory epithelial support cell olfactory sustentacular cell
osteoblast osteoblasts
osteocyte osteocytes
oxygen accumulating cell oxygen accumulating cells
paracrine cell paracrine cells
parafollicular cell C cell
pericyte pericytes, perivascular cell
pigment cell chromatocyte, chromatophore
cyanophore blue chromatophore
erythrophore erythrophores
iridophore iridocyte, iridosome
gold iridophore
silver iridophore
leucophore guaninophores, guanophore
melanocyte melanophore
pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata) pigment cells (sensu Vertebrata)
seminal fluid secreting cell seminal fluid secreting cells
somatic stem cell somatic stem cells
multi fate stem cell multipotent stem cell
blastemal cell blastemal cells
single fate stem cell single fate stem cells
totipotent stem cell totipotent stem cells
sperm sperm cell, spermatozoid, spermatozoon
stratified epithelial stem cell stratified epithelial stem cells
stratified keratinized epithelial stem cell stratified keratinized epithelial stem cells
stromal cell stromal cells
extracellular matrix secreting cell extracellular matrix secreting cells
collagen secreting cell collagen secreting cells
chondrocyte chondrocytes
columnar chondrocyte columnar chondrocytes
hypertrophic chondrocyte hypertrophic chondrocytes
periarticular chondrocyte periarticular chondrocytes
GAG secreting cell hyaluronic acid secreting cell
ito cell hepatic stellate cell, perisinusoidal cell
leptomeningeal cell leptomemingeal cell, leptomeningeal cells
sustentacular cell sustentacular cells
tendon cell muscle attachment cell
compound organ organ
cavitated compound organ cavitated compound organs
solid compound organ solid compound organs
multi-tissue structure multi-tissue structures
blood vessel
compound organ component compound organ components
dental organ enamel organ
dental mesenchyme
dental papilla pharyngeal tooth mesenchyme, tooth mesenchyme
inner dental epithelium ide, inner enamel epithelium
outer dental epithelium ode
dermal deep region stratum compactum
dermal superficial region stratum laxum
scale scales
circulus circuli
lateral line scale
nevus f-nevi, naevus
perilymphatic duct
otic duct
nasal capsule
pharyngeal arch pharyngeal arches
pharyngeal arch 1 mandibular arch, visceral arch 1
pharyngeal arch 2 hyoid arch, visceral arch 2
prootic bulla
serous membrane
parietal peritoneum
dorsal mesentery
ventral mesentery
visceral peritoneum tunica serosa
simple organ simple organs
organism subdivision body part
barbel barble
anterior nasal barbel
inner mental barbel
maxillary barbel ZMB
mental barbel
post-vent region tail
anal fin
caudal fin tail, tail fin
caudal fin lower lobe caudal fin ventral lobe
caudal fin upper lobe caudal fin dorsal lobe
surface structure surface structures
caudal peduncle
fin fins
dorsal fin
pectoral fin forefin, pectoral fins
pectoral fin fold pectoral fin membrane
pelvic fin pelvic fins
regenerating fin regenerating fins
blastema regeneration blastema
epithelial mesenchymal boundary epithelial mesenchymal boundarys
regeneration epithelium epidermal cap, wound epidermis, wound epithelium
apical epidermal cap apical epidermal caps
basal regeneration epithelium basal wound epidermis
distal epidermal cap distal epidermal caps
integument skin
epidermal basal stratum basal epidermal layer
epidermal intermediate stratum
epidermal superficial stratum
hypodermis subcutis
skin flap
melanophore stripe melanophore stripes
opercular flap gill cover, gill slit, opercular apparatus, opercular cover, operculum
vent cloacal opening, cloacal vent
portion of tissue
actinotrichium actinotrichia
anal fin actinotrichium anal fin actinotricia
caudal fin actinotrichium caudal fin actinotrichia
pectoral fin actinotrichium
pelvic fin actinotrichium
adipose tissue white adipose tissue
atypical epithelium atypical epithelia
dental epithelium dental epithelia
primary dental epithelium pharyngeal tooth epithelium, tooth epithelium
dermomyotome dermomyotomes
multilaminar epithelium
unilaminar epithelium unilaminar epithelia
simple columnar epithelium simple columnar epithelia
simple cuboidal epithelium simple cuboidal epithelia
simple squamous epithelium simple squamous epithelia
head mesenchyme
branchial mesenchyme gill mesenchyme
intramembranous bone intramembranous bones
dermal bone dermal bones
angular bone angular bones
bony plate
lepidotrichium fin ray, lepidotrichia
sensory canal tubular ossicle
membrane bone membrane bones
nerve nerves
pectoral fin nerve
pectoral fin motor nerve
pectoral fin sensory nerve
portion of connective tissue
bone element bones
replacement bone replacement bones
chondral bone
endochondral bone endochondral bones
radial radials
anal fin radial anal fin pterygiophores, anal fin radials
dorsal fin radial dorsal fin pterygiophore, dorsal fin radials
perichondral bone perichondral bones
perichordal bone perichordal bones
notochordal ossification
bony projection bony projections, process
cartilage element cartilages
interopercular-mandibular ligament interoperculomandibular ligament
lateral ethmoid-autopalatine ligament
lateral ethmoid-ectopterygoid ligament
premaxillary-maxillary ligament
primordial ligament articular-maxillary ligament, ligamentum primordiale, maxillo-mandibular ligament
perichondrium cartilage connective tissue
perichordal connective tissue
skeletal element
regenerating tissue regenerating tissues
whole organism multi-cellular organism
female organism
male organism
cardiac muscle myoblast cardioblast
glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) glioblasts (sensu Vertebrata)
portion of organism substance
cerebral spinal fluid CSF
scleral cell scleral cells
skeletal muscle myoblast skeletal muscle myoblasts
fast muscle myoblast fast muscle myoblasts
skeletal muscle satellite cell skeletal muscle satellite cells
slow muscle myoblast slow muscle myoblasts
smooth muscle myoblast satellite cell
MiP motor neuron middle primary motoneuron
RoP motor neuron rostral primary motoneuron