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(49 total)
Gene Name:
eph receptor B3a
Gene Symbol:
Bayés, À., Collins, M.O., Reig-Viader, R., Gou, G., Goulding, D., Izquierdo, A., Choudhary, J.S., Emes, R.D., Grant, S.G. (2017) Evolution of complexity in the zebrafish synapse proteome. Nature communications. 8:14613
Bernhardt, R.R. (1999) Cellular and molecular bases of axonal pathfinding during embryogenesis of the fish central nervous system. Journal of neurobiology. 38(1):137-160
Bovenkamp, D.E. and Greer, P. (1997) Novel Eph-family receptor tyrosine kinase is widely expressed in the developing zebrafish nervous system. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 209(2):166-181
Bovenkamp, D.E. and Greer, P.A. (2001) Degenerate PCR-based cloning method for Eph receptors and analysis of their expression in the developing murine central nervous system and vasculature. DNA and cell biology. 20(4):203-213
Braasch, I., Gehrke, A.R., Smith, J.J., Kawasaki, K., Manousaki, T., Pasquier, J., Amores, A., Desvignes, T., Batzel, P., Catchen, J., Berlin, A.M., Campbell, M.S., Barrell, D., Martin, K.J., Mulley, J.F., Ravi, V., Lee, A.P., Nakamura, T., Chalopin, D., Fan, S., Wcisel, D., Cañestro, C., Sydes, J., Beaudry, F.E., Sun, Y., Hertel, J., Beam, M.J., Fasold, M., Ishiyama, M., Johnson, J., Kehr, S., Lara, M., Letaw, J.H., Litman, G.W., Litman, R.T., Mikami, M., Ota, T., Saha, N.R., Williams, L., Stadler, P.F., Wang, H., Taylor, J.S., Fontenot, Q., Ferrara, A., Searle, S.M., Aken, B., Yandell, M., Schneider, I., Yoder, J.A., Volff, J.N., Meyer, A., Amemiya, C.T., Venkatesh, B., Holland, P.W., Guiguen, Y., Bobe, J., Shubin, N.H., Di Palma, F., Alföldi, J., Lindblad-Toh, K., Postlethwait, J.H. (2016) The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitates human-teleost comparisons. Nature Genetics. 48(4):427-37
Elkon, R., Milon, B., Morrison, L., Shah, M., Vijayakumar, S., Racherla, M., Leitch, C.C., Silipino, L., Hadi, S., Weiss-Gayet, M., Barras, E., Schmid, C.D., Ait-Lounis, A., Barnes, A., Song, Y., Eisenman, D.J., Eliyahu, E., Frolenkov, G.I., Strome, S.E., Durand, B., Zaghloul, N.A., Jones, S.M., Reith, W., Hertzano, R. (2015) RFX transcription factors are essential for hearing in mice. Nature communications. 6:8549
French, C.R., Erickson, T., French, D.V., Pilgrim, D.B., and Waskiewicz, A.J. (2009) Gdf6a is required for the initiation of dorsal-ventral retinal patterning and lens development. Developmental Biology. 333(1):37-47
Garcia-Concejo, A., Larhammar, D. (2021) Protein kinase C family evolution in jawed vertebrates. Developmental Biology. 479:77-90
Holder, N., and Klein, R. (1999) Eph receptors and ephrins: effectors of morphogenesis. Development (Cambridge, England). 126(10):2033-2044
Holly, V.L., Widen, S.A., Famulski, J.K., and Waskiewicz, A.J. (2014) Sfrp1a and Sfrp5 function as positive regulators of Wnt and BMP signaling during early retinal development. Developmental Biology. 388(2):192-204
Ritter, D.I., Dong, Z., Guo, S., and Chuang, J.H. (2012) Transcriptional enhancers in protein-coding exons of vertebrate developmental genes. PLoS One. 7(5):e35202
Silic, M.R., Black, M.M., Zhang, G. (2021) Phylogenetic and developmental analyses indicate complex functions of Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels in zebrafish embryonic development. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 250(10):1477-1493
Takamiya, M., Stegmaier, J., Kobitski, A.Y., Schott, B., Weger, B.D., Margariti, D., Cereceda Delgado, A.R., Gourain, V., Scherr, T., Yang, L., Sorge, S., Otte, J.C., Hartmann, V., van Wezel, J., Stotzka, R., Reinhard, T., Schlunck, G., Dickmeis, T., Rastegar, S., Mikut, R., Nienhaus, G.U., Strähle, U. (2020) Pax6 organizes the anterior eye segment by guiding two distinct neural crest waves. PLoS Genetics. 16:e1008774
Trejo-Reveles, V., Owen, N., Ching Chan, B.H., Toms, M., Schoenebeck, J.J., Moosajee, M., Rainger, J., Genomics England Research Consortium (2023) Identification of Novel Coloboma Candidate Genes through Conserved Gene Expression Analyses across Four Vertebrate Species. Biomolecules. 13(2):
Varshney, G.K., Lu, J., Gildea, D., Huang, H., Pei, W., Yang, Z., Huang, S.C., Schoenfeld, D.S., Pho, N., Casero, D., Hirase, T., Mosbrook-Davis, D.M., Zhang, S., Jao, L.E., Zhang, B., Woods, I.G., Zimmerman, S., Schier, A.F., Wolfsberg, T., Pellegrini, M., Burgess, S.M., and Lin, S. (2013) A large-scale zebrafish gene knockout resource for the genome-wide study of gene function. Genome research. 23(4):727-735
Wang, D., Jao, L.E., Zheng, N., Dolan, K., Ivey, J., Zonies, S., Wu, X., Wu, K., Yang, H., Meng, Q., Zhu, Z., Zhang, B., Lin, S., and Burgess, S.M. (2007) Efficient genome-wide mutagenesis of zebrafish genes by retroviral insertions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104(30):12428-12433
Weidinger, G., Thorpe, C.J., Wuennenberg-Stapleton, K., Ngai, J., and Moon, R.T. (2005) The Sp1-Related Transcription Factors sp5 and sp5-like Act Downstream of Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling in Mesoderm and Neuroectoderm Patterning. Current biology : CB. 15(6):489-500
Xiao, Y., Jiang, J., Hu, W., Zhao, Y., Hu, J. (2017) Toxicity of triphenyltin on the development of retinal axons in zebrafish at low dose. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 189:9-15
Xu, Q., Holder, N., Patient, R., and Wilson, S.W. (1994) Spatially regulated expression of three receptor tyrosine kinase genes during gastrulation in the zebrafish. Development (Cambridge, England). 120:287-299
Xu, Q.L., Alldus, G., Holder, N., and Wilkinson, D.G. (1995) Expression of truncated Sek-1 receptor tyrosine kinase disrupts the segmental restriction of gene expression in the Xenopus and zebrafish hindbrain. Development (Cambridge, England). 121:4005-4016
Zhang, J.F., Jiang, Z., Liu, X., Meng, A. (2016) Eph-ephrin signaling maintains the boundary of dorsal forerunner cell cluster during morphogenesis of the zebrafish embryonic left-right organizer. Development (Cambridge, England). 143(14):2603-15
Zheng, Y.Q., Suo, G.H., Liu, D., Li, H.Y., Wu, Y.J., Ni, H. (2022) Nexmifa Regulates Axon Morphogenesis in Motor Neurons in Zebrafish. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience. 15:848257
Trejo-Reveles, V., Owen, N., Ching Chan, B.H., Toms, M., Schoenebeck, J.J., Moosajee, M., Rainger, J., Genomics England Research Consortium (2023) Identification of Novel Coloboma Candidate Genes through Conserved Gene Expression Analyses across Four Vertebrate Species. Biomolecules. 13(2):
Zheng, Y.Q., Suo, G.H., Liu, D., Li, H.Y., Wu, Y.J., Ni, H. (2022) Nexmifa Regulates Axon Morphogenesis in Motor Neurons in Zebrafish. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience. 15:848257
Garcia-Concejo, A., Larhammar, D. (2021) Protein kinase C family evolution in jawed vertebrates. Developmental Biology. 479:77-90
Silic, M.R., Black, M.M., Zhang, G. (2021) Phylogenetic and developmental analyses indicate complex functions of Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels in zebrafish embryonic development. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 250(10):1477-1493
Takamiya, M., Stegmaier, J., Kobitski, A.Y., Schott, B., Weger, B.D., Margariti, D., Cereceda Delgado, A.R., Gourain, V., Scherr, T., Yang, L., Sorge, S., Otte, J.C., Hartmann, V., van Wezel, J., Stotzka, R., Reinhard, T., Schlunck, G., Dickmeis, T., Rastegar, S., Mikut, R., Nienhaus, G.U., Strähle, U. (2020) Pax6 organizes the anterior eye segment by guiding two distinct neural crest waves. PLoS Genetics. 16:e1008774
Bayés, À., Collins, M.O., Reig-Viader, R., Gou, G., Goulding, D., Izquierdo, A., Choudhary, J.S., Emes, R.D., Grant, S.G. (2017) Evolution of complexity in the zebrafish synapse proteome. Nature communications. 8:14613
Xiao, Y., Jiang, J., Hu, W., Zhao, Y., Hu, J. (2017) Toxicity of triphenyltin on the development of retinal axons in zebrafish at low dose. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 189:9-15
Braasch, I., Gehrke, A.R., Smith, J.J., Kawasaki, K., Manousaki, T., Pasquier, J., Amores, A., Desvignes, T., Batzel, P., Catchen, J., Berlin, A.M., Campbell, M.S., Barrell, D., Martin, K.J., Mulley, J.F., Ravi, V., Lee, A.P., Nakamura, T., Chalopin, D., Fan, S., Wcisel, D., Cañestro, C., Sydes, J., Beaudry, F.E., Sun, Y., Hertel, J., Beam, M.J., Fasold, M., Ishiyama, M., Johnson, J., Kehr, S., Lara, M., Letaw, J.H., Litman, G.W., Litman, R.T., Mikami, M., Ota, T., Saha, N.R., Williams, L., Stadler, P.F., Wang, H., Taylor, J.S., Fontenot, Q., Ferrara, A., Searle, S.M., Aken, B., Yandell, M., Schneider, I., Yoder, J.A., Volff, J.N., Meyer, A., Amemiya, C.T., Venkatesh, B., Holland, P.W., Guiguen, Y., Bobe, J., Shubin, N.H., Di Palma, F., Alföldi, J., Lindblad-Toh, K., Postlethwait, J.H. (2016) The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitates human-teleost comparisons. Nature Genetics. 48(4):427-37
Zhang, J.F., Jiang, Z., Liu, X., Meng, A. (2016) Eph-ephrin signaling maintains the boundary of dorsal forerunner cell cluster during morphogenesis of the zebrafish embryonic left-right organizer. Development (Cambridge, England). 143(14):2603-15
Elkon, R., Milon, B., Morrison, L., Shah, M., Vijayakumar, S., Racherla, M., Leitch, C.C., Silipino, L., Hadi, S., Weiss-Gayet, M., Barras, E., Schmid, C.D., Ait-Lounis, A., Barnes, A., Song, Y., Eisenman, D.J., Eliyahu, E., Frolenkov, G.I., Strome, S.E., Durand, B., Zaghloul, N.A., Jones, S.M., Reith, W., Hertzano, R. (2015) RFX transcription factors are essential for hearing in mice. Nature communications. 6:8549
Holly, V.L., Widen, S.A., Famulski, J.K., and Waskiewicz, A.J. (2014) Sfrp1a and Sfrp5 function as positive regulators of Wnt and BMP signaling during early retinal development. Developmental Biology. 388(2):192-204
Varshney, G.K., Lu, J., Gildea, D., Huang, H., Pei, W., Yang, Z., Huang, S.C., Schoenfeld, D.S., Pho, N., Casero, D., Hirase, T., Mosbrook-Davis, D.M., Zhang, S., Jao, L.E., Zhang, B., Woods, I.G., Zimmerman, S., Schier, A.F., Wolfsberg, T., Pellegrini, M., Burgess, S.M., and Lin, S. (2013) A large-scale zebrafish gene knockout resource for the genome-wide study of gene function. Genome research. 23(4):727-735
Ritter, D.I., Dong, Z., Guo, S., and Chuang, J.H. (2012) Transcriptional enhancers in protein-coding exons of vertebrate developmental genes. PLoS One. 7(5):e35202
French, C.R., Erickson, T., French, D.V., Pilgrim, D.B., and Waskiewicz, A.J. (2009) Gdf6a is required for the initiation of dorsal-ventral retinal patterning and lens development. Developmental Biology. 333(1):37-47
Wang, D., Jao, L.E., Zheng, N., Dolan, K., Ivey, J., Zonies, S., Wu, X., Wu, K., Yang, H., Meng, Q., Zhu, Z., Zhang, B., Lin, S., and Burgess, S.M. (2007) Efficient genome-wide mutagenesis of zebrafish genes by retroviral insertions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104(30):12428-12433
Weidinger, G., Thorpe, C.J., Wuennenberg-Stapleton, K., Ngai, J., and Moon, R.T. (2005) The Sp1-Related Transcription Factors sp5 and sp5-like Act Downstream of Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling in Mesoderm and Neuroectoderm Patterning. Current biology : CB. 15(6):489-500
Bovenkamp, D.E. and Greer, P.A. (2001) Degenerate PCR-based cloning method for Eph receptors and analysis of their expression in the developing murine central nervous system and vasculature. DNA and cell biology. 20(4):203-213
Bernhardt, R.R. (1999) Cellular and molecular bases of axonal pathfinding during embryogenesis of the fish central nervous system. Journal of neurobiology. 38(1):137-160
Holder, N., and Klein, R. (1999) Eph receptors and ephrins: effectors of morphogenesis. Development (Cambridge, England). 126(10):2033-2044
Bovenkamp, D.E. and Greer, P. (1997) Novel Eph-family receptor tyrosine kinase is widely expressed in the developing zebrafish nervous system. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 209(2):166-181
Xu, Q.L., Alldus, G., Holder, N., and Wilkinson, D.G. (1995) Expression of truncated Sek-1 receptor tyrosine kinase disrupts the segmental restriction of gene expression in the Xenopus and zebrafish hindbrain. Development (Cambridge, England). 121:4005-4016
Xu, Q., Holder, N., Patient, R., and Wilson, S.W. (1994) Spatially regulated expression of three receptor tyrosine kinase genes during gastrulation in the zebrafish. Development (Cambridge, England). 120:287-299
Additional Citations (27):
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2012) Viral Insertion Mutants Overwrite Data. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2011) Viral Insertion Mutants. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Busch-Nentwich, E., Kettleborough, R., Dooley, C. M., Scahill, C., Sealy, I., White, R., Herd, C., Mehroke, S., Wali, N., Carruthers, S., Hall, A., Collins, J., Gibbons, R., Pusztai, Z., Clark, R., and Stemple, D.L. (2013) Sanger Institute Zebrafish Mutation Project mutant data submission. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Gaudet, P., Livstone, M., Thomas, P., The Reference Genome Project (2010) Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees. Automated Data Submission.
GOA curators, UniProt curators (2007) Gene Ontology annotation based on Swiss-Prot Subcellular Location vocabulary mapping. Manually curated data.
GOA, HGNC, AgBase and UniProtKB curators (2007) Manual transfer of experimentally-verified manual GO annotation data to orthologs by curator judgment of sequence similarity. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Thisse, B., Thisse, C. (2004) Fast Release Clones: A High Throughput Expression Analysis. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Thisse, C., and Thisse, B. (2005) High Throughput Expression Analysis of ZF-Models Consortium Clones. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
UniProt curators (2015) Electronic Gene Ontology annotations created by transferring manual GO annotations between related proteins based on shared sequence features.. Automated Data Submission.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the automatic assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries. Manually curated data.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the manual assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2022) Electronic Gene Ontology annotations created by ARBA machine learning models. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2022) Automatic Gene Ontology annotation based on Rhea mapping. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2006) Curation of Ensembl Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Scientific Curation. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of orthology data. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of NCBI Gene Data Via Shared RNA Sequence IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of UniProt Keywords with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of Enzyme Commission numbers with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of PANTHER Gene IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of VEGA Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2013) Semi-automated association of ENSDARG identifiers with ZFIN genes for the ZMP project. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of InterPro Records with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2007) Microarray Expression to Gene Association in ZFIN. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of Alliance of Genome Resources Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2023) Automated Curation of UniProt Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2020) Addition of links from ZFIN to Expression Atlas. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2023) Automated Curation of UniProt Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2022) Automatic Gene Ontology annotation based on Rhea mapping. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2022) Electronic Gene Ontology annotations created by ARBA machine learning models. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2020) Addition of links from ZFIN to Expression Atlas. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of PANTHER Gene IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of Alliance of Genome Resources Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
UniProt curators (2015) Electronic Gene Ontology annotations created by transferring manual GO annotations between related proteins based on shared sequence features.. Automated Data Submission.
Busch-Nentwich, E., Kettleborough, R., Dooley, C. M., Scahill, C., Sealy, I., White, R., Herd, C., Mehroke, S., Wali, N., Carruthers, S., Hall, A., Collins, J., Gibbons, R., Pusztai, Z., Clark, R., and Stemple, D.L. (2013) Sanger Institute Zebrafish Mutation Project mutant data submission. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2013) Semi-automated association of ENSDARG identifiers with ZFIN genes for the ZMP project. Semi-automated Curation.
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2012) Viral Insertion Mutants Overwrite Data. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2011) Viral Insertion Mutants. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the manual assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries. Manually curated data.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the automatic assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries. Manually curated data.
Gaudet, P., Livstone, M., Thomas, P., The Reference Genome Project (2010) Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees. Automated Data Submission.
GOA curators, UniProt curators (2007) Gene Ontology annotation based on Swiss-Prot Subcellular Location vocabulary mapping. Manually curated data.
GOA, HGNC, AgBase and UniProtKB curators (2007) Manual transfer of experimentally-verified manual GO annotation data to orthologs by curator judgment of sequence similarity. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2007) Microarray Expression to Gene Association in ZFIN. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2006) Curation of Ensembl Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
Thisse, C., and Thisse, B. (2005) High Throughput Expression Analysis of ZF-Models Consortium Clones. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Thisse, B., Thisse, C. (2004) Fast Release Clones: A High Throughput Expression Analysis. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of VEGA Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of orthology data. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of Enzyme Commission numbers with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of UniProt Keywords with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of NCBI Gene Data Via Shared RNA Sequence IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Scientific Curation. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of InterPro Records with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
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