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(35 total)
Gene Name:
vomeronasal 2, receptor 1
Gene Symbol:
Ahuja, G., Reichel, V., Kowatschew, D., Syed, A.S., Kotagiri, A.K., Oka, Y., Weth, F., Korsching, S.I. (2018) Overlapping but distinct topology for zebrafish V2R-like olfactory receptors reminiscent of odorant receptor spatial expression zones. BMC Genomics. 19:383
Alioto, T.S., and Ngai, J. (2006) The repertoire of olfactory C family G protein-coupled receptors in zebrafish: candidate chemosensory receptors for amino acids. BMC Genomics. 7(1):309
Bayramli, X., Kocagöz, Y., Sakizli, U., Fuss, S.H. (2017) Patterned Arrangements of Olfactory Receptor Gene Expression in Zebrafish are Established by Radial Movement of Specified Olfactory Sensory Neurons. Scientific Reports. 7:5572
Bjarnadottir, T.K., Fredriksson, R., and Schioth, H.B. (2005) The gene repertoire and the common evolutionary history of glutamate, pheromone (V2R), taste(1) and other related G protein-coupled receptors. Gene. 362C:70-84
Demaria, S., Berke, A.P., Van Name, E., Heravian, A., Ferreira, T., and Ngai, J. (2013) Role of a ubiquitously expressed receptor in the vertebrate olfactory system. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 33(38):15235-15247
Ding, Y., Lang, D., Yan, J., Bu, H., Li, H., Jiao, K., Yang, J., Ni, H., Morotti, S., Le, T., Clark, K.J., Port, J., Ekker, S.C., Cao, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Grandi, E., Li, Z., Shi, Y., Li, Y., Glukhov, A.V., Xu, X. (2022) A phenotype-based forward genetic screen identifies
as a sick sinus syndrome gene. eLIFE. 11:
Ding, Y., Liu, W., Deng, Y., Jomok, B., Yang, J., Huang, W., Clark, K.J., Zhong, T., Lin, X., Ekker, S.C., and Xu, X. (2013) Trapping Cardiac Recessive Mutants via Expression-based Insertional Mutagenesis Screening. Circulation research. 112(4):606-617
Ding, Y., Long, P.A., Bos, J.M., Shih, Y.H., Ma, X., Sundsbak, R.S., Chen, J., Jiang, Y., Zhao, L., Hu, X., Wang, J., Shi, Y., Ackerman, M.J., Lin, X., Ekker, S.C., Redfield, M.M., Olson, T.M., Xu, X. (2016) A modifier screen identifies
as a cardiomyopathy susceptibility gene.. JCI insight. 1(14)
Elkon, R., Milon, B., Morrison, L., Shah, M., Vijayakumar, S., Racherla, M., Leitch, C.C., Silipino, L., Hadi, S., Weiss-Gayet, M., Barras, E., Schmid, C.D., Ait-Lounis, A., Barnes, A., Song, Y., Eisenman, D.J., Eliyahu, E., Frolenkov, G.I., Strome, S.E., Durand, B., Zaghloul, N.A., Jones, S.M., Reith, W., Hertzano, R. (2015) RFX transcription factors are essential for hearing in mice. Nature communications. 6:8549
Hashiguchi, Y., and Nishida, M. (2009) Screening the V2R-type putative odorant receptor gene repertoire in bitterling Tanakia lanceolata. Gene. 441(1-2):74-79
Hashiguchi, Y., and Nishida, M. (2006) Evolution and origin of vomeronasal-type odorant receptor gene repertoire in fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 6:76
Hashiguchi, Y., and Nishida, M. (2005) Evolution of vomeronasal-type odorant receptor genes in the zebrafish genome. Gene. 362C:19-28
Oka, Y., Saraiva, L.R., Korsching, S.I. (2012) Crypt neurons express a single V1R-related ora gene. Chemical senses. 37(3):219-227
Saraiva, L.R., Ahuja, G., Ivandic, I., Syed, A.S., Marioni, J.C., Korsching, S.I., Logan, D.W. (2015) Molecular and neuronal homology between the olfactory systems of zebrafish and mouse. Scientific Reports. 5:11487
Sato, Y., Miyasaka, N., and Yoshihara, Y. (2005) Mutually exclusive glomerular innervation by two distinct types of olfactory sensory neurons revealed in transgenic zebrafish. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 25(20):4889-4897
Wakisaka, N., Miyasaka, N., Koide, T., Masuda, M., Hiraki-Kajiyama, T., Yoshihara, Y. (2017) An Adenosine Receptor for Olfaction in Fish. Current biology : CB. 27(10):1437-1447.e4
Yang, L., Jiang, H., Chen, J., Lei, Y., Sun, N., Lv, W., Near, T.J., He, S. (2019) Comparative Genomics Reveals Accelerated Evolution of Fright Reaction Genes in Ostariophysan Fishes. Frontiers in genetics. 10:1283
Ding, Y., Lang, D., Yan, J., Bu, H., Li, H., Jiao, K., Yang, J., Ni, H., Morotti, S., Le, T., Clark, K.J., Port, J., Ekker, S.C., Cao, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Grandi, E., Li, Z., Shi, Y., Li, Y., Glukhov, A.V., Xu, X. (2022) A phenotype-based forward genetic screen identifies
as a sick sinus syndrome gene. eLIFE. 11:
Yang, L., Jiang, H., Chen, J., Lei, Y., Sun, N., Lv, W., Near, T.J., He, S. (2019) Comparative Genomics Reveals Accelerated Evolution of Fright Reaction Genes in Ostariophysan Fishes. Frontiers in genetics. 10:1283
Ahuja, G., Reichel, V., Kowatschew, D., Syed, A.S., Kotagiri, A.K., Oka, Y., Weth, F., Korsching, S.I. (2018) Overlapping but distinct topology for zebrafish V2R-like olfactory receptors reminiscent of odorant receptor spatial expression zones. BMC Genomics. 19:383
Bayramli, X., Kocagöz, Y., Sakizli, U., Fuss, S.H. (2017) Patterned Arrangements of Olfactory Receptor Gene Expression in Zebrafish are Established by Radial Movement of Specified Olfactory Sensory Neurons. Scientific Reports. 7:5572
Wakisaka, N., Miyasaka, N., Koide, T., Masuda, M., Hiraki-Kajiyama, T., Yoshihara, Y. (2017) An Adenosine Receptor for Olfaction in Fish. Current biology : CB. 27(10):1437-1447.e4
Ding, Y., Long, P.A., Bos, J.M., Shih, Y.H., Ma, X., Sundsbak, R.S., Chen, J., Jiang, Y., Zhao, L., Hu, X., Wang, J., Shi, Y., Ackerman, M.J., Lin, X., Ekker, S.C., Redfield, M.M., Olson, T.M., Xu, X. (2016) A modifier screen identifies
as a cardiomyopathy susceptibility gene.. JCI insight. 1(14)
Elkon, R., Milon, B., Morrison, L., Shah, M., Vijayakumar, S., Racherla, M., Leitch, C.C., Silipino, L., Hadi, S., Weiss-Gayet, M., Barras, E., Schmid, C.D., Ait-Lounis, A., Barnes, A., Song, Y., Eisenman, D.J., Eliyahu, E., Frolenkov, G.I., Strome, S.E., Durand, B., Zaghloul, N.A., Jones, S.M., Reith, W., Hertzano, R. (2015) RFX transcription factors are essential for hearing in mice. Nature communications. 6:8549
Saraiva, L.R., Ahuja, G., Ivandic, I., Syed, A.S., Marioni, J.C., Korsching, S.I., Logan, D.W. (2015) Molecular and neuronal homology between the olfactory systems of zebrafish and mouse. Scientific Reports. 5:11487
Demaria, S., Berke, A.P., Van Name, E., Heravian, A., Ferreira, T., and Ngai, J. (2013) Role of a ubiquitously expressed receptor in the vertebrate olfactory system. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 33(38):15235-15247
Ding, Y., Liu, W., Deng, Y., Jomok, B., Yang, J., Huang, W., Clark, K.J., Zhong, T., Lin, X., Ekker, S.C., and Xu, X. (2013) Trapping Cardiac Recessive Mutants via Expression-based Insertional Mutagenesis Screening. Circulation research. 112(4):606-617
Oka, Y., Saraiva, L.R., Korsching, S.I. (2012) Crypt neurons express a single V1R-related ora gene. Chemical senses. 37(3):219-227
Hashiguchi, Y., and Nishida, M. (2009) Screening the V2R-type putative odorant receptor gene repertoire in bitterling Tanakia lanceolata. Gene. 441(1-2):74-79
Alioto, T.S., and Ngai, J. (2006) The repertoire of olfactory C family G protein-coupled receptors in zebrafish: candidate chemosensory receptors for amino acids. BMC Genomics. 7(1):309
Hashiguchi, Y., and Nishida, M. (2006) Evolution and origin of vomeronasal-type odorant receptor gene repertoire in fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 6:76
Bjarnadottir, T.K., Fredriksson, R., and Schioth, H.B. (2005) The gene repertoire and the common evolutionary history of glutamate, pheromone (V2R), taste(1) and other related G protein-coupled receptors. Gene. 362C:70-84
Hashiguchi, Y., and Nishida, M. (2005) Evolution of vomeronasal-type odorant receptor genes in the zebrafish genome. Gene. 362C:19-28
Sato, Y., Miyasaka, N., and Yoshihara, Y. (2005) Mutually exclusive glomerular innervation by two distinct types of olfactory sensory neurons revealed in transgenic zebrafish. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 25(20):4889-4897
Additional Citations (18):
Busch-Nentwich, E., Kettleborough, R., Dooley, C. M., Scahill, C., Sealy, I., White, R., Herd, C., Mehroke, S., Wali, N., Carruthers, S., Hall, A., Collins, J., Gibbons, R., Pusztai, Z., Clark, R., and Stemple, D.L. (2013) Sanger Institute Zebrafish Mutation Project mutant data submission. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Gaudet, P., Livstone, M., Thomas, P., The Reference Genome Project (2010) Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees. Automated Data Submission.
GOA curators, UniProt curators (2007) Gene Ontology annotation based on Swiss-Prot Subcellular Location vocabulary mapping. Manually curated data.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the automatic assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of EMBL records. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2013) Semi-automated association of ENSDARG identifiers with ZFIN genes for the ZMP project. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2006) Curation of Ensembl Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Scientific Curation. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of orthology data. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of NCBI Gene Data Via Shared RNA Sequence IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of InterPro Records with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of UniProt Keywords with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2015) Data Model Change: Sequence Targeting Reagents Removed from Environment. ZFIN Historical Data.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of Alliance of Genome Resources Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2023) Automated Curation of UniProt Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of PANTHER Gene IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2020) Addition of links from ZFIN to Expression Atlas. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of VEGA Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2023) Automated Curation of UniProt Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2020) Addition of links from ZFIN to Expression Atlas. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of PANTHER Gene IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of Alliance of Genome Resources Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2015) Data Model Change: Sequence Targeting Reagents Removed from Environment. ZFIN Historical Data.
Busch-Nentwich, E., Kettleborough, R., Dooley, C. M., Scahill, C., Sealy, I., White, R., Herd, C., Mehroke, S., Wali, N., Carruthers, S., Hall, A., Collins, J., Gibbons, R., Pusztai, Z., Clark, R., and Stemple, D.L. (2013) Sanger Institute Zebrafish Mutation Project mutant data submission. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2013) Semi-automated association of ENSDARG identifiers with ZFIN genes for the ZMP project. Semi-automated Curation.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the automatic assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries. Manually curated data.
Gaudet, P., Livstone, M., Thomas, P., The Reference Genome Project (2010) Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees. Automated Data Submission.
GOA curators, UniProt curators (2007) Gene Ontology annotation based on Swiss-Prot Subcellular Location vocabulary mapping. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2006) Curation of Ensembl Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of VEGA Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of orthology data. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of UniProt Keywords with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of NCBI Gene Data Via Shared RNA Sequence IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Scientific Curation. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of InterPro Records with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of EMBL records. Automated Data Submission.
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