Fig. 3

Figures for Marín-Juez et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 Epicardial Hypoxia Stimulates Epicardial cxcl12b Expression and Coronary EC Proliferation via Hif1a (A) qPCR analysis of aldh1a2 and egln3 mRNA levels in sorted tcf21:RFP+ cells from 7 dps and 7 dpci ventricles (n = 4). (B and C) 7 dps (B) and 7 dpci (C) ventricles stained for epicardium (green), hypoxyprobe (red), and DNA (blue). Insets show high-magnification images of sham (B) and regenerating (C) epicardium. (D) qPCR analysis of cxcl12b mRNA levels in WT ventricles at 7 dps (n = 4) and 7 dpci (n = 4) and in hif1a?/? ventricles at 7 dpci (n = 4). (E and F) WT (E) and hif1a?/? (F) ventricles stained for endothelial nuclei (red), PCNA (green), and DNA (blue). Insets show high-magnification images of proliferating cECs (white arrowheads). (G?I) cEC proliferation in WT (n = 4), and hif1a?/? (n = 4) ventricles at 96 hpci (G). Ventricles from PBS- (H) and DMOG- (I) treated animals stained for endothelial nuclei (red), PCNA (green), and DNA (blue). Insets show high-magnification images of proliferating cECs (white arrowheads). (J) cEC proliferation in PBS- (n = 4), and DMOG- (n = 4) treated ventricles at 96 hpci. White dotted lines delineate the injured area. Data in graphs expressed as mean ± SEM. ns, no significant difference, ?p < 0.05, ??p < 0.01. Scale bars: 100 ?m.

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 51, Marín-Juez, R., El-Sammak, H., Helker, C.S.M., Kamezaki, A., Mullapuli, S.T., Bibli, S.I., Foglia, M.J., Fleming, I., Poss, K.D., Stainier, D.Y.R., Coronary Revascularization During Heart Regeneration Is Regulated by Epicardial and Endocardial Cues and Forms a Scaffold for Cardiomyocyte Repopulation, 503-515.e4, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell