Fig. 8
Fig. 8 (A,C,E) RNA in situ expression of (A) myl1 and krox-20, (C) atp2a1 and krox-20, and (E) srl and krox-20 in green, smyhc1 in red, and merged images in control, pbx2/4-MO, prdm1a/, and pbx2/4-MO;prdm1a-/- embryos. krox-20 expression is included as a control for the pbx2/4-MO knockdown (Maves et al., 2007). r3 and r5 indicate krox-20 expression in hindbrain rhombomeres. smyhc1 is downregulated in prdm1a-/- embryos (Elworthy et al., 2008; von Hofsten et al., 2008). (A,C) embryos are at 14 somites, (E) embryos are at 18 somites. All embryos are shown in dorsal view, anterior towards the left. Somites were counted in all embryos shown to confirm consistent staging. (B,D,F) Graphs of real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) expression levels for (B) myl1, (D) atp2a1, and (F) srl. Expression levels were normalized to odc1 expression. Error bars represent standard deviation. Somite stage for qRT-PCR (14s) is shown. Scale bar, 50 μm.