Fig. 4
Fig. 4 Persistent OEPD-dependent neurogenesis in Dlx3b/4b- and Sox9a-deficient b380 mutants. (A-R) Blue: Expression of neurod (A-D), cdh6 (E-H), hmx3 (I-L), myo7aa (M,N), atoh1b (O,P) and tbx1 (Q,R) in control (A,E,I,M,O,Q), b380 mutant (B,F,J,N,P,R), b380; neurog1-MO-injected (C,G,K) and b380; foxi1-MO-injected (D,H,L) embryos. Red: Expression of stm reveals the size of the otic vesicle which is reduced to a small epithelial ball in b380 mutant and b380; neurog1-MO-injected and entirely absent in b380; foxi1-MO-injected embryos. A-H,M,N are lateral views with anterior to the left at 24 hpf. I-L,O,R are dorsolateral views with anterior to the left at the 12-somite stage. Insets in B, C and N show higher magnifications of the remaining otic tissue. Arrowheads in M indicate the position of the sensory patches. Scale bar: 40 μm.